My one real boss
will-be-god: I miss you, sir. I hope you're doing fine.
My awesome family on Awesome Island ♥
landsharkchamp: Stepmom. ♥
distorted_deity: Dad. ♥
galactic_rings: Little brother. ♥
stfuimbombing: Little sister. ♥
galacticred: My GF. ♥
itsforscience: Tiny #1
galacticgrunt: Tiny #2
galactic-derp: I don't know you, but you can be another tiny.
snazzyskintight: You! Come back so you can be my personal tiny!
galactic_geezer: You're not actually in the family, but you can work your way in, I suppose, if you stop being a troll. Gramps.
Other nice people
pyroobsessed: You're a nice girl. ♥ You remind me of Mars so much.
Not-so-great people
oceansbane: You'd have such great hair if you cared about it more.
paid_in_flesh: You're good training. That is the full extent of your usefulness in the grand scheme of things. Unless you want to change your ways, of course. Since your hair is like that, I think you wouldn't even need the wig.
reservedempath: ... Seriously, stop doing that to him. I designed a uniform for you, by the way.
Evil people
charbroiledcash: I don't trust you.
risingtectonics: Although we haven't met on the island yet, so far, your double who has lost his mind seems a much better person than you are. That should tell you something.
of_the_land: I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
sacrificemecake: Things are much quieter now, aren't they?
People I like to bother
ihasatrenchcoat: That date offer? Still valid, by the way.