Well, this has certianly interesting. Went from being unable to sit still, positivly brimming with [unwanted] energy, to dead... tired, but... You know when you're tired, but you lay awake in bed for what seems like hours, unable to sleep? That kind of tired
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Comments 3
I consider Valen to be one of my brainchildren even though he hasn't lasted very long in any rp that I put him in. I plan on writing more on the story about him and his mother once I'm done with the one I'm writing on Realm ("a day out" in the Dragon's Cove section) and have that posted on DA. I have quite a few new things that I just posted on DA in the past two days.
Wow, I'm rambling on...
Yeah, I havn't completely given up. I still watch journals of close friends and deviations of a few people; I just don't comment or anything. I kinda miss it, but then.... sometimes I don't.
Lol, we all ramble on sometimes. ^^;;;
I kinda miss it, but then.... sometimes I don't.
That's how I'm like with rping. I miss doing something creative with other people, but then, I can do other things with my time that are just as creative or worth it or something more worthy/creative than rping alone. I think I got addicted to it a bit since it's so fun.
I really do hope that I'll get to work on my stories soon. If Mashi's no longer interested in Celeb, I may just ask her if I can have that place and reshape so that it's my own creation. But I think I'll only be apart of one other rp besides Realm so that it's not so time-consuming.
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