Ok, so we ended up seeing Friday the 13th anyway. Let me tell you how awesome it is! It is all kinds of awesome. When it was over I looked at my husband and said, "Tell me that was not made of win." It is the coolest remake ever!
It started off with a clip from the original to give a background of the movie, then goes to present day. Five kids are walking through the woods, in search of a huge marajuana crop. They stop for the night and agree to look for it in the morning. Two of the people, including the girl who plays Jared's sister, go off into the woods and into the old Camp Crystal Lake (after the single guy told the story of Jason, no less). The other 2 decide they wanna get frisky, so the single guy goes off to pee in the woods and finds the ganga and Jason. Lucky him. Basically, it shows Jason kill 4 of them and he swings the machete at Jared's sister and the screen goes black and reads: Friday the 13th in red. The whole audience said "Whoa!" almost simultaneously. This is all within the first 15 mintues of the movie.
Cut to Jared passing out flyers of his missing sister. He meets this asshole and his band of buddies who are on their way to stay at said asshole's parents' cabin at none other than Crystal Lake. And all hell breaks loose. I won't tell you how/whether or not Jared falls victim to Jason. All I can say is that Jason has REALLY stepped up his game. He has never, to my recollection, RAN after people. Homeboy can run! He is this big, burly, undead guy, and he can book it. I also don't recall Jason ever killing in broad daylight. He has gotten brazen over the last 29 years. He has also broadened his use of weapons. He still has his trusty machete, and it is still his weapon of choice, but when distance prevents the use of such weapon, he has other options. He has mastered the bow and arrow to amazing accuracy. He can also chuck an axe pretty damn far. He also seems to enjoy hanging people from various objects.
It isn't really gorey. I was quite surprised at that. He doesn't kill to mangle, oh no. He just wants his victims dead, so he doesn't waste time with torture for the most part. I think he quite enjoys letting his victims see him before he kills them. That seems to make him happy.
Long story short, see the movie. It is dripping with awesomesauce.
By the way, I will not be going camping for quite a while.
And in other movie news, Smallville's very own Bart , aka Impulse (Kyle Gallner), is starring in this bad-ass looking horror film titled "The Haunting in Connecticut". It looks really, really good. I don't typically like those "based on a true story" movies because they scare the hell out of me, but this one I may have to force myself to watch.
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