Ginny and I were discussing Netspeak, and how many Wizards lack an understanding of certain symbols and words. It can become quite difficult when one is talking with another wizard. Often the conversation ends abruptly because they did not understand that the little smiley at the end of the sentence meant you were joking.
Smiley-face meanings (also known as emoticons):
<3 heart
:) or :D or XD happy
:( sad
D: extremely sad
>:-O angry
:'( crying
:-O surprise
:-X big kiss
;-) winking
:P sticking out your tongue
:/ wry or unsure
O.o unable to comprehend
Showing one's amusement:
LOL laugh out loud
LMAO an impolite variant of LOL
LMFAO another, very impolite, variant of of LOL
Saying goodbye:
BRB be right back
BBL be back later
ttyl talk to you later
ty thank you
np no problem
IMO in my opinion
G grin
If you would like to acquire the rest of the terms they are available in PDF format or by Owl.