HA-HA!!! ok, for anyone who's interested, read this article from News Askew:
http://www.newsaskew.com/includes/feature.shtml?id=EEEpAZpEAVYYtpmQJk&style=single all i have to say is, fuck yeah. i hate tabloids. they never say anything worth saying whether it's true or not (and it usually never is), and they're always trying to fuck people over. tabloids are responsible for so much bullshit that happens to a lot of famous people...most, if not all, of the celebrity breakups you hear about are because of them. they're so hell-bent on fucking up the lives of the rich and famous, because none of them could ever be rich or famous and they're jealous, so they devote their lives to putting down good directors like Kevin Smith for making one bad movie. and it wasn't all that fucking bad. yeah ben and j-lo were in it, who cares?! for a non-Jay and Silent Bob movie, it was a decent story and it was at least well-made. but since it didn't make million of billions of big bux at the box office, automatically it's "shyte."
and who the fuck are they to call him a "fat bearded hobbit"?!?!? oh sorry, he doesn't look like Affleck so of course it's ok for you old crones to make fun of him, is that right? no, not right. Kevin Smith has more talent in his pinky toe than you bitches could ever even FATHOM having shoved up your big fat asses. i hope i get famous and some uppity book critic ever says anything about my writing...let's just say Kevin was nice compared to what i'd do.
in other news, Matt's mom got a Netflix account. i had no idea what a good thing that is. she only pays 15 bucks a month and gets all the movies she wants. she got The Incredibles and The Terminal today, and she's got like 50 more coming. i'll definitely be getting one, especially if i get a new job...which i'm trying to do, again.
Oh, and who do you guys think would make a good live-action Nightwing? post a comment and tell me so i can have some new lusty badong fantasies ;)
well that's it...i don't have very much to talk about, obviously. later