Hahaha. I'm so tired it is not funny. At all. It's the wierdest feeling. And it's 8:30 in the morning. Haha. Hey, I need things to do. Comment on my journal, and I'll respond
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Yesterday, was my 16th birthday. I don't see the significance of getting presents, but oh well. Today, wasn't too bad. Other than that the day sucked. Tomorrow, SHIPPENSBURG!!! The Hoban V-ball team is going to states,baby! (yes, that is the way Shea says it) Blah. Bye.
VOLLEYBALL STATES, HERE WE COME!!! Today was awesome. Got out of school early for a sport, then we win the game, and now we are going to states. There is a game, after school on 5-28. I think the school is providing transportation, so bring money to see us play. It will be fun.
Well, I just got out of work. Not too shabby. On my way there, there was a hobo shadow boxing in front of the Ramada. It was really funny. And he was there screamning "Ramada is possessed!" while swinging his fists. Pretty funny
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VBALL SUCKS. Bottom line. I'm starting to think this isn't my sport. Oh well. I don't want people saying im good, and I'm only a sophmore. I just don't care what other people think.
BLAH. Today sucked. I hate lehman. And that stupid bald guy. DIE. You all need to just die. lol. I did really crappy, and then everyone gets down on themselves. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO GROW UP, AND LEARN HOW TO PLAY. I feel bad for the people who actually tried. This is the last time I ever play like shit again. Anyway, I'm tired.lol. Bye.