Believe in Me; A TVD fanfic

May 25, 2011 16:42

A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Caroline. I’m having a hard time getting into her head, so any comments anybody has are useful - even if they’re negative. I appreciate all feedback. This is in Caroline's POV.

Believe in Me

The world is broken.

It’s a sad but true fact. The world is broken, and nobody is fixing it. Nobody is even trying.

I wish my world wasn’t broken, but it is. I come from a broken home, in a town full of broken people. Not to mention, there are vampires here now, trying to break even more people.

Stefan and yes, even Damon, are the only vampires who have come into this town without the intent to break people. Okay, maybe saying Damon is a little wrong, and he did come into this town to get Katherine, but since then, he has changed. He hasn’t killed anyone in what he says is too long.

My whole world is broken. My mother is never there and my father left a long time ago. I don’t really ever hear from him except for random holidays and birthdays. I hope wherever he is, he’s happy.

I feel second best. I’m second best to my mom’s job, second best to my dad’s boyfriend, second best even to Elena. Elena is my best friend, and I love her like my own sister, but sometimes I feel inferior to her. Now, I know that Elena would say that she’s got flaws, just like everybody else. But she has a way of working those flaws to her advantage.

And then there’s Matt. Matt will never love me like he loves Elena. Even though Elena broke his heart, no matter what, he’s never going to get over her. As hard as I try, I’m not going to be as important to him as Elena is.

I may sound like I’m whining, but I don’t mean to. When I wake up in the morning, I want to feel beautiful. You know, actually feel it. But I don’t. It’s amazing how many people you can fool by just putting on a smile. It’s amazing how many people I do fool, everyday.

I fool Mom, when she asks how I am or what I’m doing. I fool Dad when he calls, just by sounding chipper. And Elena and Bonnie - well, it doesn’t take much to fool them anymore. It’s just become second nature to me. I know that they are my best friends and I shouldn’t lie to them, but everything is a competition to me.

I know I shouldn’t compete with anybody - I bring myself down every time I do. It’s just that I know I can be a better person than I am right now.

Tomorrow is the day. It’s the day that I am going to wake up and feel beautiful. It’s the day that I am going to wake up and try to fix my world. It may be broken, but I can fix it, if I try hard enough. I am strong enough.

ratings: k, title: believe in me, fanfic: the vampire diaries, character: caroline forbes

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