So there I was ducklings, at my high powered horribly interesting job, and I started thinking, as occasionally I do, about things that bother me to no end. Or to use the current vernacular of the young people, things that chap my hide. So here's a little list
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Comments 5
Greek Shipping heirs
The "Avril" look
hold muzak
the last sip of beer
hot topic
anyhoo (although I am guilty of saying it)
fake fruit
I'm sorry but I didn't get the memo informing me to be birthed, grow up, squirt out some pups, get a corner office, an SUV full of soccer gear, a screaming shrew of a wife, and a slow agonizing death after my brats put me in an east Texas medicare nursing home with no A/C and a roomate with poor bowel control.
I would rather rock.
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