Korra's on a break next Saturday! ;_; Anyhoo, ramblings on this week's episode.
- Tarlok! I knew you were being shifty last week, he wants Lin's job! I wonder if he's in on the Equalist movement. It'd be weird if he was, since he's a bender, but then maybe power is more important to him?
- Aww, awkward Korra! :( Asami's trying though!
- LOL, why did Bolin give Pabu a slightly Southern accent? XD
- LMAO, this show. ♥
- I'm guessing that the guy is the Cabbage Merchant's son?
- Aww, poor Tahno. He was a jerk, but no-one deserves that.
- Haha, Bolin's getting spoiled at the mansion.
- 1920s swimwear!
- Aww, Korra and Asami found common ground. This can only mean something bad is going to happen.
- Yep, Papa Sato is dodgy.
- It seems benders killing loved ones is a common reason for people joining the Equalist movement. Do these people not get arrested or something?
- This cannot be said enough. Lin Beifong is a badass.
- Mechas! They remind me of something, I can't put my finger on it.
- LOL, Bolin bellyflopped the poor copper. XD He's so funny. "That sounds very familiar, doesn't it? Why? Because you said it." Hahahaa.
- Why doesn't Korra carry around a flask/canister of water like Katara did? Maybe her personality's more suited to Earthbending and Firebending?
- LOL @ Bolin using Tenzin's hands to express himself. I love this guy.
- Awww, poor Asami. :(
- Lin quit!! :O "I'm going to do it my way...outside the law." Badass! *squee*
- Whoops, Makorra doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon. (If at all. XD)
- Random thought of the episode: Whenever I see those flying blimps, I always think "awww, Sokka helped invent those". ♥
I feel that Amon seems to overestimate his abilities. Although benders are few in number compared to the rest of the world, how does he think he's going to take on the other three nations? I'm gonna assume that after the 100 year war ended, Earthbenders wouldn't take so kindly to being oppressed again and I can't see Firebenders or Waterbenders being beaten by him. Republic City's one thing, but the world? Unless he has some diabolical tech-related plan coming up...
Young Justice! Which hopefully, is not on a break next week cos I need my cartoons!
- Oh clone!Roy. :( He's gotten so thin and unkempt. I doubt they'll do the whole Heroin addict storyline on a kids show, but it seems like he's already on some kind of drug. Especially when he was all I NEED IT about the money.
- Snapper!
- Kinda glad M'gann wasn't in it much today.
- Wow, they really don't try and lessen the PDA in front of Conner do they. :S
- Yay, Superboy and BB team up! :D
- OMG WALLY!!!! ♥ I'm so glad he's okay!
- And...Guardian I think? He's alive too!
- Haha, it's weird to see Wally and Dick at the same height. Dick might be a little taller!
- WHAT. WHAT. Guardian was a clone too!
- Awww, Wally did retire from the superhero business.
- At least Connor knows why BB talks to himself.
- TED! *weeps* WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE DEAD IN ALL THE UNIVERSES?! CAN'T HE JUST BE RETIRED?! ;_; I like Jaime and all, but damn DC! Why you hate Ted so much?!
- Ollie's so not good at pep talk.
- LOL, silly people. Of course Speedy's still alive.
- Ooh, Sportsmaster and mystery in the shadows dude.
- Awww, clone!Roy was the one they got to know, not original Roy. :( Too many feelings!
- Oh no, the poor alien husk thingy.
- I think the mystery villain guy might by Deathstroke/Slade. Just cos. :)
- ARTEMIS! ♥ I'm so glad she's alive!
- Wally and Artemis are still together! Yay!
- And they're at college, double yay! :D My head canon became actual canon!
- WHAT. WHAT. JADE AND ROY ARE MARRIED?! DAMN ROY! Talk about self destructive!
- BABY! IT'S LIAN! I think she'll be safe in this universe cos they can't kill a baby on a kids show.
- Oooh, Jade found Speedy!
Too many revelations! And I miss Papa Bats! :(