hey cats, I'm up in Sacramento helping a friend move her stuff up here. 400 miles and near 100 degree weather does not a happy Gabo make, but everything got unloaded alot quicker than we'd thought It'd take so it's all good. PS updated via PSP
due to several requests from pooples on teh friends list I'm gonna start posting works in progress to friends only from now on in my LJ. Most of these are gonna be non-work safe so if anyone can show me how to do an LJ cut I'd greatly appreciate it.
Funny thing. rosco and rufus (pet rats) tried to do something they haven't since when I first got them, they tried to climb the outside of their cage. but they've gotten so fat that all they could do hold on to the bars for a few second before they lost their grips. Reminds me of myself when I couldn't do chin ups in grade school.