Glad you're having fun with bands n' stuff. I 'm glad that without the Bitch life is better. Or should I call her the vampire...hmmm...she's not sparkley, that's for sure.
I'm happy for you with the music thing. I know that's one of your dreams.
And don't go all frowney over someone's fiance. It isn't very gentlemanly.
well... *frowns again*gabriel_deadmanAugust 30 2009, 07:15:48 UTC
lol I'm totally past the point where I care about being a gentleman, especially as far as some guy I don't even know goes haha... J/K, J/K lol. seriously, it was just a fun night, nothing really more... after all wouldn't that fall under the category of being an asshole, which I'm trying to avoid? She sure was hot though to be honest... not to mention cool as hell. Anyway... yeah take it easy lol... but she's fair game if he steps out of line, and I hope to be drinking with the band coming up soon... *grins evilly*
update... yes evidently it wasn't just a momentary crush - she and I have been in communication today and it's the real thing... which sucks lol, I don't want to like someone right now... hopefully I can work this out before I get called on to hit the studio with them for some vocals... *crosses fingers*
Comments 3
'm glad that without the Bitch life is better. Or should I call her the vampire...hmmm...she's not sparkley, that's for sure.
I'm happy for you with the music thing. I know that's one of your dreams.
And don't go all frowney over someone's fiance. It isn't very gentlemanly.
seriously, it was just a fun night, nothing really more... after all wouldn't that fall under the category of being an asshole, which I'm trying to avoid?
She sure was hot though to be honest... not to mention cool as hell. Anyway... yeah take it easy lol... but she's fair game if he steps out of line, and I hope to be drinking with the band coming up soon... *grins evilly*
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