Even though they were far from close, he feels it necessary to take up for his deceased alternate a bit. Of all the people he knows in the nexus, the only one person he can remember ever knowing the man very well was Lan. Therefore, he writes her a letter, care of ACME Nexus Mail.
I do not know how often you visit the Nexus anymore, or how much contact you have with the ones that do visit. I do not like to be the bearer of ill tidings, but someone has to do it.
My alternate, the one you were close to, is dead. He was found in the Nexus very recently, and I wasn't sure if you knew. I'm sorry this has happened, as I have no idea how he died, or if it were of natural causes or otherwise. Njoki Rainmaker was kind enough to step in and help with him, but I wasn't sure if you two were acquainted.
If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to contact me.