This afternoon, I took my car to my dad's friend's workshop and guess what, the mechanic only spent less than 2 minutes to figure out what was wrong and fixed it right away O_O Sugoi... I can't stop awed at them, mechanics...
Mister: Ah hello2, what's the problem?
Me: (looked troubled) The mp3 player power's off, and the inner lights are also not
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Comments 18
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Wakakakak, lucu kan lucu kan?! xDDD
waaaaah~ ternyata emang kabelnya yang sedang jadi kampretoo~
ihihihihihi lucu tora-nya!!!!!
brapa harganya noh?????
Khehehe, iya lucu kan? x3
Harga na 3000 yen.
kalo mau beli kayaknya mesti mikir lebih lanjut... =___=
Pingin bikin ndiri~ x3 ato nyari penjait yg trima bikin boneka~ x3 harus na kaga nyampe 100 ribu dah~ xDDD
cuma itu doang toh masalahnya? lol~~~~
itu boneka uda ky boneka tora matek
lucu sih~ tp itu ususnya mengganggu =w=
Lucu kan lucu kan, Tora matek~ (boneka buat nge-voodoo Tora yg iya-iya, y?) xDDDDD Gyaaaahaahahahahahaa!!!
Eh vin2, punya temen yg bisa jahitin boneka g?
boneka ky apa? klo cm boneka flanel doang aye bisa =_=
ato ga tanya si reiloveskitkat perna liat entry dy yg jait boneka soalnya XD
ada juga sih tmn aye yg bisnis baju2 kosple, tp ga tau d dy bs jait boneka apa ga X_X
Hohoo..temen na vin2...bisa minta tolong tanyain g? @_@
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A shop owner should speak nicely to his customers or his business won't be good~ ;3
Isn't it cute?! xD My friend named that doll "dead-Tora"~ xDDDD I want it too, but it's already sold out...T^T...
jadi, ini layout barunya?
bagus!! XD
simple tapi keren!
haha jadi gretongan dong XD
er.. itu yang diperut si toranya apa ya itu?
bukan usus kan?
Wakakakak, bener kok itu usus~ xD
Nama na aja "disemboweled" plushie~ xDDDDDD
Noh ada darah juga dari mulutna~ xDDDDDD
Gretongan??? Apa tu?
ohh mengeluarkan isi perut? huuueeehh~ XD
maksudnya gratisan LOL XDD
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