Guessing Meme

Mar 19, 2010 23:03

Meme stolen from reiloveskitkat

1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.

2) Have your f-list guess your favourite character/member from each item

3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of your ( Read more... )


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Comments 60

reiloveskitkat March 19 2010, 16:23:04 UTC
1. rookie!
2. ummmm... ishii? *nulisnya salah kayaknya*
8. hyde..
9. shishio... lol *asal banget!!*
14. cloud....
20. shou? 0__0

hahahahaahha... ini pasti ga lulus... XD


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 16:29:07 UTC
Yak, selamat Anda benar 3! 8D (Hyde-Cloud-Shou, klo yg terakhir salah ntu kebangeten banget! Lha jawaban udah tersebar luas d seluruh LJ saya baik d leyot maupun entry~ XDDDD) 9 na, ok d saiya ngaku emang maniak n kadang psycho, tp ga nyampe suka Shishio laaa...(,==)


reiloveskitkat March 19 2010, 16:35:03 UTC
ooooh... si saga yak?? *bego mode: on*

ahahahaahahaha shishio gituu....

reply ga penting:
gajet paporit aku si Ruki,
anak gajaet aku cinta itu Reita..... *chu* <3


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 16:38:29 UTC
Iya, Saga vokalis na Arisu itu lho~ ^3^ *gaya bak fans baru yg sotoy* XDDD *jedukin tembok*

Hahaha, itu mah ga usah bikin proklamasi udah ketauan, jeng~ XDDD


hydalarc March 19 2010, 16:29:30 UTC
lemme guess...hmm,

3) ohh u like tohoshinki...err, jaejoong thehehe....
18)miura haruma
19)oguri shun or...hiro mizushima...
20)need to guess??.... anyone can guess when they look at your layout u know xD s.h.o.u


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 16:34:50 UTC
That's why I said 20 is a bonus question~ XDDD

Okay for your guess:
3 --> Yep I like Tohoshinki, but my fav isn't Jaejoong~ XD
14 --> True true~
18 --> Na-ah, no~
19 --> You should choose 1, ne! But since Shun Oguri was the first, I'll take it as CORRECT! XD

3 correct! 8D


hydalarc March 19 2010, 17:48:07 UTC
3 yay!! xD funny looking at your friends' answers. Ahhh I was about to say Yunho but I forgot his name =___= and you have his icon too. How forgetful I am *headesk*

I'll try another

1) err....aoi (got feeling it's incorrect =__=")
9)kenshin ^^0
18) sato takeru??

ahh there is bloody monday 2.must get the dvd *determined*


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 17:53:23 UTC
Everyone has mentioned 4 gazette's member but missed my fave~ XDDDDD Not Aoi!

9. True!
18. Net-noot, wrong! XD

Hou yes, I can't wait for Bloody Monday 2, too! X3 Lloove that dorama so much! I hope my fav will appear again there~ XDDD


kazu_kireta March 19 2010, 16:40:19 UTC
1. the GazettE --> ruki
2. Kagrra, --> shin
3. Tohoshinki --> yunho?
4. Ayabie
5. Duel Jewel
6. D'espairsRay --> vokalisnya? XD
7. ViViD --> shin
8. L'arc~en~Ciel --> hyde
9. Rurouni Kenshin --> err... aoshi?
10. Kingdom Hearts series
11. Weiss Kreuz --> aya-kun XDD
12. Resident Evil 4 & Degeneration --> leon? bener ada yg namanya itu ga ya???
13. Shinobi-Heart under the Blade movie
14. Final Fantasy VII series --> akang cloud
15. Gundam Seed --> kira?
16. Gundam 00
17. Bleach --> ichigo
18. Bloody Monday - dorama
19. Tokyo DOGS - dorama
20. Bonus question: Alice Nine~ 8D --> akang Shou


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 16:45:06 UTC
1. Td si Ru udah nebak salah, jeng...
2. D8... kok salah, perasaan aku dah pernah bilang kazu d...kita kan kakak-adik? *dibanting*
6. Bukaaaaan~
7. Neneeeee~
8. Yup yup~
9. Aoshi emang keren n ganteng si, tp bukan~ ^3^
12. BENEEEEEEEEEER!!! Hyah! Aku pingin punya bodyguard Leon! X3
14. Yeaaaah!
15. Bukaaaaan~
17. Kagaaaaa!
20. Yg terakhir mah ga usah ditanya harus na~ XDDD


kazu_kireta March 20 2010, 05:23:57 UTC
XDD msh banyak yg salah yah XDDDD


yuriko_yakuza March 19 2010, 17:03:41 UTC
Alright, here's my guessing list: XD
1. the GazettE -> Reita
2. Kagrra -> Shin
3. Tohoshinki -> Mickey
4. Ayabie -> Takehito/Kenzo can't really decide which one xD
5. Duel Jewel -> Hayato/Yuya (Last one I get a weird feeling writing his name XD)
6. D'espairsRay -> Zero
7. ViViD ->ko-ki (cause he's a crazy drummer XD)
8. L'arc~en~Ciel -> Hyde
9. Rurouni Kenshin -> Aoshi Shinomori :P
10. Kingdom Hearts series -> Riku XD
11. Weiss Kreuz -> Aya
12. Resident Evil 4 & Degeneration -> Leon Oo'
13. Shinobi-Heart under the Blade movie - Joe Odagiri as Kouga Gennosuke (I love the manga *__*)
14. Final Fantasy VII series -> Cloud Oo'
15. Gundam Seed - Kira XD
16. Gundam 00 - Setsuna
17. Bleach - Ichigo/Hisagi Shuuhei/Kuchiki Byakuya
18. Bloody Monday - dorama Takagi Fujimaru
19. Tokyo DOGS - dorama (havm't watched it yet XD)
20. Bonus question: Alice Nine~ 8D SHOU! SHOU! SHOU! XD


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 17:12:09 UTC
1. Nope~ My my, 3 people had guessed and none was right! XD
2. Nooo~
3. Not Mickey, but Yunho! X3
4. Okay, it's Kenzo! XD
5. Haha, wroooong~ XD
6. Nope~
7. Na-ah, though Ko-Ki's funny, but not him~ X3
8. Yep, Hyde-ojii-san! XD
9. Noooo, you went too far~ XDDD
10. Right!
11. Right again!
12. Right trice!
13. Wrong! Aaah, the combo's broken..XD
14. Right!
15. Nooo~
16. Nooooo~
17. Noooooooo~
18. Nooooooooooo~ double double wrong combos! XD

7/20, not bad.. the best so far~ XDDD


yuriko_yakuza March 19 2010, 17:18:14 UTC
It's to much NO! XD IT isn't easy and I hadn't only guessed which one I would like Oo ... Hm... about Kenshin... Sanosuke? commandant sagara? kenshin?? XDDDD


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 17:25:13 UTC
XDDD Haha, it's not multiple choice question, Yu~ XDDD

Is it hard? Actually you can find half of the answer in my LJ entries, but I don't think you would re-check em out for just this meme! XDDDD not important Haha, it's quiet hard to get the right answer for the anime one because I seldom talk about anime here... but another hint, my fav are "mostly" not the "main" protagonists~ XD


gigabytexx March 19 2010, 17:27:41 UTC
1. Uruha
2. tak mengenal membernya~ XD
4. tak mengenal membernya~ XD
5. tak mengenal membernya~ XD
6. tak mengenal membernya~ XD
7. tak mengenal membernya~ XD
9. sanosuke sagara XD~
10. auk, yg rambut kuning XD~
13. auk
15. temennya Kira, yg rambut item sebahu, cowok XD~ ( sapa yah namanya....hurup depan W )
16. auk
17. yg rambut merah diiket ke atas XD~
18. Sato Takeru ! ore.......sanjo.....

dah tuh XD


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 17:34:27 UTC
1. Aaaaaa...udah 4 org yg nebak masih blon ada yg bener...XDDD Net-nooot! Not urupaha~
9. Salaaaah~
10. Bukan kuning, tapi putih~ XD
15. Temen na Kira huruf W?? Prasaan temen na Kira ntu cuma Arthrun Zala d, n ngga rambut item tp biru tua...(,--) ato yg km maksud bukan dia?
17. Hiii, aku serem ama Renji! Bukan!
18. Wrooong~

Selamat, Anda SALAH SEMUA!!! XDDDDD *tp klo jawab no.20 pasti bener 1~ XDDD*


gigabytexx March 19 2010, 17:51:50 UTC
eeeee maapkan kedudulan saya XDDD iya yg namanya Athrun XD~ ( kok jadi W ) maklum, saya berhenti mengikuti anime sudah kira2 2-3 tahun ini XD~
pokoknya duo tokoh favorite orang2.......

no 18 ya wes~ kalo bukan Takeru Sato brarti Haruma Miura =P


gabriel_me March 19 2010, 17:55:44 UTC
Jauh banget A -> W! XDD (tiba2 inget waffle sundae na A&W~ *ga nyambung*)

Neee...banyak yg nebak Haruma Miura n salah, jeung~ (,--) Hmm...perasaan fav ku banyak nongol d tiap episode kok...


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