I'm sooooo tired...TT_TT...
I have been searching for a new boarding house in Cilandak since yesterday, day-and-night, but I haven't found a decent one to stay...TT_TT...
It's not that I found none, in fact, I found a lot of boarding houses and I had surveyed some rent-houses too, but most of them were not good, and some good ones were already full,
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Comments 19
ato coba tanya bagian rumah sakit, nyediain semacam asrama ato tpt kos gt ga
Ugh... asrama, kontrakan, kost itu semua ada...tapi tempat na... ...parah... (,--) dsini bukan lingkungan kampus/sekolahan si, jd yg ngekost juga banyakan orang2 kerja, n papiku ga tenang klo ninggalin aku d kost2an campur co-ce sama karyawan2 gak kenal gt...
Buat emergency sekarang sih, papi udah nyewain guest house, sebulan dulu sambil tar cari2 lagi, paling ngga ini aku udah ada tempat buat tidur n bisa rada nyante dikit daripada sama sekali ga dapet tempat. Besok si mo nyoba liat ada kondo d deket sini, sapa tw cocok n ga terlalu mahal. Aku juga ada patungan sama temen2 se klo mo jadi d kondo... uh, pokona susah d nyari yg 'decent' d daerah Cilandak...
kl sama temen2 kan ga usah repot kenalan lg n liat2 lingkungan temen2 kosnya cocok ato nga
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Actually I had got an emergency place to stay right now, my dad rented a guest house near the hospital for me, but there's no way I'd stay in that guest house for straight 2 years of my clerkship! (It's too expensive!! DX) This afternoon me and my dad will go surveying a condominium near by, I hope it's nice and not too expensive! >_<
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Aaaa...new house where are you waiting? Do you want to play hide and seek with me? T^T
Don't you know, the house is the one who's searching for it's owner :D
If you find the right one it's like:"ただいま! (Tadaima/I'm home!)" and the house answeres "おかえり! (Okaeri/Welcome home!) when you entered for the first time. What I mean, you get the feeling "THAT'S IT! There I wanna live!". It was the same when I moved out from my parents. Okay right know I'm living with them again ;>> And I really hated to give up my house =__= But that's another story XD
I'm sure you'll find the right one soon ^^ You'll find one what's suit you the best :3 Don't give up, I send you my positive way of thinking :D
Oouh...I hope I can feel it again in my new home~
Thanks for the positive energy, Yu! *hugs* X3 *prepares huge jar to pool the positivity* XDDD
busseedd. kyk na standar na bokap u tinggi yee..
ampe d bela2in nyewa guest-house. wakakak XD
trus, skrg u tgl dmn jd na pu?
masi d karawaci itu kah?
Weh, bukan na standar tinggi, tp daerah situ tuh...uh, tar klo km liat tau ndiri lah. Itu nyewa guest house juga TERPAKSA, jeng! Papiku dah desperate, pokona udah dapet dulu lah tempat tinggal wat sebulan, drpd ga dpt sama skli, n paling ngga bisa lega dulu sambil tar disambi nyari2 kontrakan lg.
Hmph...tp papiku emang gitu, pilih2 na tuh bgt...(*--) Mo apa2 tuh kudu dia yg milihin...(,--) huff, dah aku ga tw, terserah papi, aku tinggal terima aja papi mo nyewain tempat mana. Pokona aku tinggal sekolah yg bener.
Sekarang aku masih d kost-an ku d karawaci.. tp paling ngga bulan depan udah harus cabut, soal na aku mulai ko-as tgl 5 n papi gak suka klo nyiapin apa2 mepet2..huff...>,
emank na milih RS gt kaga bs milih sendiri ya?
tgl 5? 5 april ato 5 mei?
ko-as begitu dpt gaji kaga sih?
RS na dipilihin uph, murid tinggal nrima nasib..
Tanggal 5 April ini.
Wuh, dibayar apa na, ko-as nih bayar! T^T Diitung na 28 sks.
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