Iya, syukur bgt... padahal pagi udah rencana mo bawa bwt belajar, tp ad feeling ga enak y jadi na ga bawa. Haduh, kaga bisa bayangin klo laptopku dicolong orang..TT0TT..bisa gila ditempat saiya..
Iya, laptop sama charger na. Padahal di sebelah laptop yang dicolong, aku ninggalin dompet lengkap n ada buku tabungan juga di dalem tas! DX Syukur banget si maling kaga buka2 tas laen..@_@..hufff...
Iya loh, padahal itu laptop di dalem lemari (tapi kaga dikunci) n pas itu kita pada lagi tugas d poli n bangsal smua, n ibu2 yang biasa nungguin lagi pergi makan, jadi waktu itu HQ kosong melompong, kaga dikunci pisan...(,==) Padahal selang waktu kosong cuma 30 menit, tapi maling na sigap baget laptop pada diembat smua... Bersyukur temen2ku yang laptop na ngga ditinggal di HQ...Q_Q...
tiga laptop ilang tuh? kayaknya kalo kayak gitu kemungkinan kecil yang nyolong satu orang.... dah gitu ada kemungkinan juga ada main sama orang dalem...
Iya, pas itu emang ada 3 laptop yang ditinggal d HQ. Kemaren udah mulai diselidiki, n malingnya yang ngambil cuma 1 (aku n temen2ku sempet liat orang na, dia nyamar pake jas putih dokter, ada name tag juga, tapi wajah na kaga familiar. Sebelon nyolong, banyak yg liat dia mondar2dir d RS, senior2 ku udah curiga itu orang siapa kok pake jas dokter mondar2dir kaga jelas, tapi pas ditanya siapa, orang na lari...(,==),) tp memang kaya na ada kerjasama ama orang dalem deh...(,==) most of crimes are done by someone we know, right?
untung laptopnya ga dibawa... mendingan kl ga perlu ga usah dibawa n dipegang terus, jgn dikasih ke orang lain n kl taktikku, ktp, kartu atm, n kartu2 penting lain disimpan kepisah, pakai dompet kecil lagi n kalau terpaksa harus ditinggal, kubungkus kertas koran n dimasukin kantong plastik hitam n kalau bawa unang tunai dlm jumlah banyak juga mendingan digituin aja
Iya, soal na kita kan sering dikasi tugas bikin laporan/paper etc n pulang na biasa sore, apalagi klo dapet jaga malem, jadi pada bawa laptop buat bikin tugas dtengah2 istirahat, klo ngga beneran kaga ada waktu bikin...
Hmm...cara kazu boleh dicoba tuh, tp klo pas mo pake apa tar bukanya ngga repot? (,==)
I already finished my academic study, so now is the time for 'practical study'. The uni scheduled me at that Marine's hospital, and I will have my clerkship there as a co-assistant of specialists there, for 22 months. So, I will get my 'doctor' title 22 months later-that if everything went well and I didn't fail any exams here..=_=.. So, clerkship is like putting what you have learned in the school to the real medical field. For this 5 weeks, I'm stationed at ENT (ear, nose and throat) division, and tomorrow is my final exam!! D8 Wish me luck! DX And HQ is the headquarters for us students from my uni. Y'know, there's several students stationed at that hospital, and to manage that students, my uni built a small house for us, it's a place where we can relax, study, sleep, have a meeting, and anything. And only students from my uni are allowed to enter that HQ. But apparently there's a thief invading and took 3 laptops with him...=_=...
Sometimes clerkship is fun, but most of the time I can't enjoy it...T^T...really, when I think about it, I want to quit, but that means all of my work 'til now will be wasted then...I don't know... but I know I need to hang on and finish what I have started.
Yeah, we have contacted the marines (Our hospital is marine's hospital anyway~ XD) but there's no news about the thief.. :( I think the laptops won't return back to the owners...
Comments 16
itu kan ditinggal di ruangan ya? apa gak ad yang jaga?
Iya loh, padahal itu laptop di dalem lemari (tapi kaga dikunci) n pas itu kita pada lagi tugas d poli n bangsal smua, n ibu2 yang biasa nungguin lagi pergi makan, jadi waktu itu HQ kosong melompong, kaga dikunci pisan...(,==) Padahal selang waktu kosong cuma 30 menit, tapi maling na sigap baget laptop pada diembat smua... Bersyukur temen2ku yang laptop na ngga ditinggal di HQ...Q_Q...
Kemaren udah mulai diselidiki, n malingnya yang ngambil cuma 1 (aku n temen2ku sempet liat orang na, dia nyamar pake jas putih dokter, ada name tag juga, tapi wajah na kaga familiar. Sebelon nyolong, banyak yg liat dia mondar2dir d RS, senior2 ku udah curiga itu orang siapa kok pake jas dokter mondar2dir kaga jelas, tapi pas ditanya siapa, orang na lari...(,==),) tp memang kaya na ada kerjasama ama orang dalem deh...(,==) most of crimes are done by someone we know, right?
n kl taktikku, ktp, kartu atm, n kartu2 penting lain disimpan kepisah, pakai dompet kecil lagi n kalau terpaksa harus ditinggal, kubungkus kertas koran n dimasukin kantong plastik hitam n kalau bawa unang tunai dlm jumlah banyak juga mendingan digituin aja
Hmm...cara kazu boleh dicoba tuh, tp klo pas mo pake apa tar bukanya ngga repot? (,==)
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Iyo, maling na pinter, tp dia kecolongan juga ada salah ngambil satu charger laptop, yg diambil malah charger cooler pad~ XD
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I already finished my academic study, so now is the time for 'practical study'. The uni scheduled me at that Marine's hospital, and I will have my clerkship there as a co-assistant of specialists there, for 22 months. So, I will get my 'doctor' title 22 months later-that if everything went well and I didn't fail any exams here..=_=.. So, clerkship is like putting what you have learned in the school to the real medical field.
For this 5 weeks, I'm stationed at ENT (ear, nose and throat) division, and tomorrow is my final exam!! D8 Wish me luck! DX
And HQ is the headquarters for us students from my uni. Y'know, there's several students stationed at that hospital, and to manage that students, my uni built a small house for us, it's a place where we can relax, study, sleep, have a meeting, and anything. And only students from my uni are allowed to enter that HQ. But apparently there's a thief invading and took 3 laptops with him...=_=...
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Yeah, we have contacted the marines (Our hospital is marine's hospital anyway~ XD) but there's no news about the thief.. :( I think the laptops won't return back to the owners...
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