Last night shift on the hospital was the best of all~~~
No emergency calls above 11 pm! OwO And thus I slept like a big baby 'til morning~
Now that I'm home, it's time to prepare for my moving! 83
I will be staying there starting from 4th August when everything's ready! Busy busy time.
And it will be tough
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Comments 14
saya juga pengen bisa tinggal sendiri gitu.....berupa rumah lagi! bukan kamar kos.....waaaa pengen!
btw ati2 kalo masak dengan tabung elpiji..........(,==)a
Houm..semoga elpiji saiya ramah dan tidak mudah emosi~ amin! X3
*serius loh*
btw layout anda ganti? knapa Ad Placement-nya brubah jd horizontal .__.
Beneran mau bersih2?? OwO Ayo sini!
smoga jd kurus! LOL
eh, emank na d skitaran sana kaga ada aparto ya? kan lebi enak nyewa aparto drpd rmh~
masa anak perempuan udah gede ga bisa nyapu, ngepel, bersih2, masak, dll
(bisa, sih, bisa, to kl tiap hari begitu? big NOOO!!! curahan hati wanita2 muda *halah8)
yang pasti.... hati2 sama gas LPJ, yah
kenalan2 jg sama tetangga, jd bisa nitip kl ada apa2
Yosh! Saiya pasti bisa mengurus rumah dengan baikk! X3
Kudu bangun pagi bangun pagi bangun pagi~~~ ^3^ bersih bersih bersih yang bersih~~~ masak masak yang enak~~~ belajar bikin susu kedele~~~ Aaaa Shou~~~ X3
Wkwkwkwk, tetangga saiya semuanya temen2 sekelas~ LOL! XDD
Soal na itu satu kompleks kontrakan pemilikna sama n yang ngontrak jg temen2 sendiri yang pada ko-as~ XDDD
oh, kl gitu bilangin ke yg lain juga, ati2 sama kompor n kunci semuanya kl mo pergi
n barang berharga jg disumpetin, jgn sampe ada yg tau
Kazu nee-chan emang paling tw bikin saiya semangat!! XDDD
Hoho, iyu, barang2 berharga saiya paling koleksi Arisu~ XDDD namanya juga barang berharga anak kost-(sekarang anak-kontrakan) LOL! XD
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At first, I thought it would be sooo difficult because since I was a child, I had maids doing everything for me, and also in my boarding house, we had house-keeper do the cleanings and laundry. So, you can say this is the first time I live without maids.
It's been almost 2 weeks since I'm living alone, and hey, it's not that bad as I imagined... OwO ...Well, it's true that I sacrificed my playing time to cleaning the house, but yep, I can do it! X3 By time, house chores are kinda interesting,(because it's my own house and cleaning your own house is fun!) and more it's an exercise for me!! XDDD Mopping the floor and dancing with music are the best-LOL! XDD
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