It's finally happened!
I have given up energy drinks (to include my favorite Monster) completely. I know that in the past I have been wishy washy about quiting, pretty much the same way I was about quitting smoking. Like when I finally quit smoking, cold turkey by the way (because I am hardcore that way), I have kicked the habit of energy drinks. I think the final part that was played was seeing my friend Chuck in the hospital that did it for me.
My friend was fine one day, then one morning wakes up complaining of chest pains, is taken to the hospital, and by the time he gets there he is paralyzed from the neck down and cannot breathe on his own. The startling contrast of the other side of the coin scared me, it hit me harder than I expected it to.
The impact is spreading as well. Habits are being broken left and right involving my health. I recently (like 6 months ago) quit drinking as well. The only alcohol I have had has been in
sexiliciousash's Irish Car Bomb cupcakes. I have been extremely proud of myself for that because I have also had a fairly large weakness regarding alcohol. On top of that, after my recent dental visit I am determined to get my teeth all better and try to put them back to normal. No small feat that, especially since I very much dislike going to the dentist.
I have been concerned about my physical health as well. I am not in shape nowhere near anything resembling the physicality that I want to be. So I have been trying to figure something out there. I want to work out at home using our gaming systems with Ashley, but setting something up, and getting us both motivated is hard. I have gone on a few bike rides with Kyra pushing myself hard. I want need to start running also.
So, long story short, I am breaking habits that need to be broken. Trying to change my life for a better and healthier life. Perhaps getting in shape physically will help me deal with the mental hardships I have been having lately as well.
One can hope.
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