I had some free time in between bouts of fighting crime (my superhero name is "Awesome Kick-Ass Girl". Also known as "aka G". Get it? Yeah, I shouldn't try to make jokes). Anyway, by "fighting crime", I clearly mean "writing about social issues". I've always wanted to write something about Willow's hats, though, as they have given me hours of amusement.
Let's face it: Willow has a rare talent. A gift. It is a brave person who will try to coordinate a hat with their wardrobe. It's an even braver person who will decide to wear the craziest, most outlandish hats she can find.
What depths do these hats reveal about Willow's character?
Well, obviously, she has some bad fashion sense.
Let us honor these brightly-colored crimes against headwear now with a tribute: to Willow's hats.
From Inca Mummy Girl. Because the best thing for a person with red hair to do is wear a red shirt with a red toboggan. This, her first hat, is a fairly tame example of headwear for the Willster.
From Inca Mummy Girl. What manner of hat is this? It's square like a top hat, yet...it's not. It's like someone styled a hat based off a Scion. Fantastic.
From Ted. Clearly, Willow wore this hat in an attempt to impress John Ritter. But this hat seems to be losing its beautifully boxy shape which suggests that it has been through the wash a few times.
From Surprise. Apparently Barney the Dinosaur exploded and a piece of him landed on Willow's head. My main concern is that this hat presents an accident hazard. The cuff threatens to flop over her eyes and...well...she could inadvertently walk into the path of an oncoming Hummer. You never know!
From Surprise. A party is a great excuse to wear a funny hat. But why is Willow the only one partaking in the head-coverage? Can you purchase cheaply-made party hats individually or is Willow planning on using the rest of the package as back-up in case her elastic band snaps?
From Phases. Willow's never afraid to bring out old favorites. The toboggan makes another appearance, though the stripes are ratty. It almost looks as if she's wearing the hat inside out...
From Anne. This is clearly the hat from Surprise, however it seems to be a lot smaller. Either it shrunk in the wash or Willow's head has expanded. Blinding cuff-floppage no longer seems to be an issue. While this apparently excites Willow, Cordelia doesn't seem too sure about it.
From Helpless. I can only conclude that this monstrosity is a cry for help. It is in the episode named "Helpless", after all. It's the orange and yellow pom-pom at the top that really makes this knitted hat pop.
From Helpless. This appears to be another cry for help. I can only imagine that Willow bought a tiny, oddly-colored wicker basket on sale at Garden Ridge and then decided to turn it upside down and wear it on her head. Course, this hat isn't made of wick wicker, but...maybe it should be...
From Earshot. It's fishing! Willow-style. Bucket hats are always in style. Especially yellow bucket hats with little yellow bows on the side. I do assume this hat has magical powers that blocked Buffy's mind-reading abilities in this episode. That would be why Willow chose to wear it, after all.
From Graduation Day Part 2. Sometimes, you wear a silly hat because you want to. Other times, you wear it because you have to. Let's all stop and marvel at how we came to make a hat out of a wall calendar stuffed into some fabric with a tassel off to the side. Is this dignity for our graduates?
From This Year's Girl. I'd be willing to bet that Willow's mom made this hat, inspired by a Rubrik's Cube. I do feel a strange urge to try to get the colors to line up. Willow should wear this hat while slaying vampires. They'd be so distracted in their puzzlement that they wouldn't even put up a fight.
From Fool for Love. I've been mulling over whether this hat is fuschia or magenta. In any case, Willow once again shows a propensity for hats that could potentially flop over her eyes. I would postulate that this points to Willow's conflict-aversive and shy nature as she's often willing to turn a blind eye to reality in order to keep a personal bubble of harmonious life around her...but then everybody would look at me funny.
Non-Willow Honorable Mentions
From Becoming Part 2. This is part of Buffy's criminal wear, and, as far as hats go, it's not a bad one. The reason it makes the list is because I am convinced that she's wearing the damn thing inside out! Look on the right (your right) side of the hat...there's a tag! Honey, that goes on the inside!
From Lies My Parents Told Me. Okay, we all know Anya didn't have much to do after Selfless. But did she have to start making hats out of tea cozies? Shouldn't we draw a line somewhere? Even Anya doesn't seem to confident in her fashion choice here.
Super-special internet cookies (the good kind! not the stalker kind!) to whoever can tell me where the hell my icon picture is from. It does not appear to be from any BtVS episode, though damned if I can place it. My icon's from Veronica Mars! Thanks,
deird1, for the info. Obviously, Willow took her love for hats with her when she went on other shows. Also uber-special internet cookies if I've missed a Willow hat from the series...alas, I'm not perfect yet.