Thankyou Eli, You make me sorry that I ever called you a friend. May you recieve your reward. I hope that you learn how to be a friend. I wish you luck In life, also please do not speak to me ever again. you broke your word therefore you are no longer a credible person. I hope you take your word and actions more seriously in the future, also dont EVER blame me for a folowing of my heart and a confirmation of prayer about what I was questioning. Dont judge lest ye be judged. Sound a bit familliar? If not then dont clame to be what you arent. Thanks for not taking sides and still bieng my friend when the relationship you deemed to fail did. i have said too much already too you about MY failed relationship. You were not a part of it, he was. So if He has anything to say to me so be it. But you were never a part of the relationship so you should keep your mouth shut. I never told you how to you how to live your life or what to do about loving someone you had to let go because you didnt feel right about the whole thing.So please just drop
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yup you prove it so well. I hope you learn to keep your mouth shut soon. Beau talked shit about Wynne, so get your sources right. I hope you have a good life and die alone. Hell will be fun for you. Would you like me to kill myself? You want that on your conscience???????????? Do you??Watch what you say life has a balance. So have a nice life bieng miserable I am done with petty bullshit like you, them, and most of the people I know.Change sucks but most of the time its good. Bye Eli, may God give you justice.
Comments 3
Hell will be fun for you. Would you like me to kill myself? You want that on your conscience???????????? Do you??Watch what you say life has a balance. So have a nice life bieng miserable I am done with petty bullshit like you, them, and most of the people I know.Change sucks but most of the time its good. Bye Eli, may God give you justice.
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