Title: Long Distance #4
Genre: Romance, Humor
Pairing: Gackt/You
Characters: You, Sato
Rating: G
Summary: Gackt grants You’s request
“Is he wearing normal pants?!” Sato peeked over You’s shoulder. The guitarist’s laughter had caught his attention, and the bassist instantly saw why You had reacted so strongly to whatever it was on his phone. You was looking at a photo of Gackt, on set for the final scene filming of Karanukan. “Has hell frozen over?”
“Several things seem to have been suggesting that recently.”
“That can’t be his movie clothes, right?” Sato asked as You pocketed his phone. “He’s actually wearing regular pants? It’s about time. Wonder what happened though.”
You shrugged his shoulders, then smiled to himself. The photo had come along with a message that You had kept scrolled out of sight when Sato looked over at the screen.
Never say I don’t make sacrifices for you.
You doubted it would last long, but he’d take any little victory he could get.
AN: The fact that Gackt wore normal pants the day after I posted #2 of this mini-series is hilarious to me.