Title: Long Distance #5
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Gackt/You
Characters: You, Gackt
Rating: G
Summary: Gackt invites You out for the night
The text message arrived on You’s phone sometime in the afternoon.
You have plans for tomorrow?
Nothing that I can’t skip, why?
I got the Jag back.
Wanna drive down to Kyoto with me?
You did not need to ask for the reason. They used to do it often, back when Gackt was just starting his solo career. Whether it was due to a sleepless night, to visit a friend , or just to get away from the buzz and pressure that was Tokyo for half a day. The years passed and those drives stopped. At first You had thought it was because Gackt didn’t need to get away any more. Now he realized that perhaps it was because it had never been away enough.
But Kyoto was far enough away for You.
Just tell me what time you’ll come pick me up.