Title: Takumi Gets Rejected #14
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Takumi/Gackt (one-sided)
Characters: Takumi, Val
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Takumi, again, should have known better
Notes: Takumi needs a Christmas miracle by this point
Val glanced over at the sound of the hotel door unlocking and saw Takumi slowly, sluggishly sulk in, head hung and shoulders hunched.
“He’s kissed Hyde?”
“…He’s kissed Hyde…”
AN: Will Takumi ever discover why Gackt hasn’t kissed him? Will all this suffering be for something? Will his adventure continue tomorrow or be abandoned for another week as I try to find some inspiration for his rejections because honestly there is only so many times I can break his heart, I really feel bad for this and if I ever run into him again I will feel so guilty and so amused that I don’t think I’ll be able to look him in the face without laughing? What does it say that my note is longer than the actual content of the fic? I don't know!