Title: Takumi Gets Rejected #18
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Takumi/Gackt (one-sided)
Characters: Takumi, Val
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Takumi gets a new idea
“How about mistletoe?”
Takumi glanced up from the mug of now lukewarm coffee in his hands. Everyone else but him and Val had left the house, and along with them had gone of the question of the kiss… unanswered. “Hmmm?”
“If you’re still gonna keep trying to get one. He’s planning a Christmas party, right? So, limit your drinks... and his… and get some mistletoe. He’d probably find it cute,” Val advised.
Takumi pushed the coffee away and stood up from his chair. He knew exactly where he could get some. “That’s perfect!” Takumi couldn’t kiss Gackt out of his newfound excitement, so he kissed Val’s face instead.
Val gagged.
AN: Poor Val, he’s a good friend, he doesn’t deserve to be part of this…