Apr 02, 2011 21:03
i was just told as of monday basically all my hours have been cut and that my boss will just call me when he needs me. he originally cut my hrs down before i started school but then cut it completely today because he wants someone that can work anytime and i cant because im in college.
Mar 03, 2011 19:39
with andrej pejic cause he's such a pretty boy.
i couldnt come up with what to do with it so its kind of plain.
Feb 13, 2011 18:31
i hope everyone is good. i havent been up to much except for school and work.
right now im very much in love with vincent perez(see icon)
hope everyone has a wonderful valentines day.
Feb 08, 2011 18:43
im also tired im just waiting for my consumer nutrition teacher to send me an email with my grade.
i stress out wondering if i got a good grade til i find out.
but so far i;ve gotten a's on the 2 tests i have taken 1 for algebra and 1 for us history
Jan 31, 2011 19:00
i just had 1 my face my knees my chest is bright red and blotchy.
hopefully it goes away by tommorow before school.
Jan 16, 2011 19:06
i made featuring gladiator tora!
Jan 04, 2011 14:59
my final schedule for the semester
consumer nutrition
college success
fundamentals of grammar
american history I
algebra I
i have to get a c or better in all these classes (my brains going to melt)
Jan 03, 2011 19:31
me and my friend amanda go pick up our schedules tomorrow. hopefully we can get a few kinks in our schedule straightened out.
and i start on monday ....