...can mean only one thing for me, even as my old mission101 ends, my new begins!
Out with the old which
can be found hereMission101_#7
Completed TOTAL_91
Not Completed TOTAL_10_These were mainly tasks for making everyday life just a little bit better like MEDITATE 4 times per week. Started out well then let meditation just drift away like a dandoline seed on the wind. Also, I once again failed to research my father's ancestry, despite the marvelous information given me by
sydneyalexis. So with her information still at hand, on list #8 that ges :)
Mission101_# 8
Start: January 1, 2017_End December 31, 2017
Number of Tasks_101
Number of Tasks Completed TOTAL_89
Number of Tasks Not Completed OR Failed_TOTAL: 12
January Completed_10 February Completed_11 March Completed_9 April Completed_10
May Completed_6 June Completed_6 July Completed_ 1 August Completed_3
September Completed_2 October Completed_10 November Completed_0 December Completed_22
1 & 2_Read all (approximately 7) bookclub recommended
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Mountain to Mountain by Shannon Galpin
Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff
I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"
by Brené Brown
Mrs Houdini by Victoria Kelley
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov
3_Prelude to Foundation
4_Forward to Foundation & Foundation
5_Foundation and Empire
6_Second Foundation
7_Foundation's Edge
8_Foundation and Earth
A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George RR Martin
9_A Game of Thrones
10_A Clash of Kings
11_A Storm ofSwords
12_A Feast for Crows
13_A Dance with Dragons
14_Prepping_MAKING LIFE BETTER for 2018 mission
15_The Great Courses_History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective
Professor Gregory S Aldrete_48 Lectures
16_Project_50 BOOKS
17_Project_100 MOVIES
19_Two Month Drawing DONE
20_Two Month Drawing DONE
21_Two Month Drawing DONE
22_Two Month Drawing DONE
23_Prepping_MAKING LIFE BETTER for 2018 mission
24_Write a 100 or so word summary
25 to 26_Child's Style_Thumbnails & Bluelines_FAIL
27 to 28_Child's Style_Finished Drawing_FAIL
29 to 30_Child Style_Color & Scan_FAIL
31_Prepping_MAKING LIFE BETTER for 2018 mission
32 through 34_Child's book_FAIL
35 through 44_GENEOLOGY Research_Father’s side
45_Udemy Course_The Colored Pencil Drawing Course
46 through 50_GENEOLOGY Research_Mother's side
51_ART_Define how to take drawings to next-level
52_Watch 25 Art-related Documentaries_0/ 25
53 to 54_Read 5 Art-related Books
55_ART_Establish 3-minimum-simultaneously routine
56_ART_Develop Tool Kit
57_Four DINING CHAIRS_Remove old fabric
58_Four DINING CHAIRS_Cut new fabric
59 to 61_Four DINING CHAIRS_Recover
62_Complete fifteen Activities_13/ 15
Silicon Valley Car Show_Saturday January 7th_Downtown Convention Center
Resist Trump on Immigration & Refuges Policies March_Saturday January 14th_San Jose City Hall to Cesar Chavez Park
Women's March_January 201st_San Jose City Hall to Cesar Chavez Park
Lunchtime Lecture_San Jose Museum of Art_Textiles in Fashion & Beyond February 1st_Wednesday_12pm
Tea Ceremony_March14th_12pm_ San Jose Museum of Art_with Edward Gui
Lunchtime Lectures_April 5_12pm_San Jose Museum of Art_Water: Essential to Silicon Valley's Past & Future give by Marty Grimes of Santa Clara Valley Water District
MARCH FOR SCIENCE_Saturday April 22nd @ 11am_San Jose City Hall
BIG BASIN_Thursday June 22, 2017_Hiking & picnicking fun with the Kuntzs & two Hadleys
Vanguard with Eileen & Cindy_June 26, 2017
Saturday July 22, 2017_At-Our-House Barbecue
Toledo Zoo's Lights Before Christmas
Library Presents Author!_Author!_Author!!_W Kamau Bell_Toledo
63_Complete five Engagements_0/ 5
LUZIA_Friday February 10th @ 4:30pm_Taylor Street Tent
JEFF OSTER &Blue Trinity Trio_Saturday April 15@ 7:30pm_De Anza Planetarium
Book of Mormon_JULY 14_Friday @ 8:00pm_San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
64 to 67_Organize Twitter_Tumbler_Livejournal_Email
68_Create My Fashion BOOK
69_Edit A's JOURNAL for 2016
70_Print A's JOURNAL and put in binder
71_Project_BINDERS_Organize Three into Two
72 to 73_Aaron's TOP Surgery
74_Udemy Course_Dan Rather on Journalism & Finding the Truth in the News
75_Project_Update CLOTHING Book
76_STYLE_Organize jewelry
77_Watch Captain America trilogy
78_Project_PAINT.Net_Download & Explore_FAIL
79_Project_TRADITIONS_Create list of Family Holiday & Seasonal
80_Paint Hallway bath_FAIL
81_FREERice_ 1000,000/ 100,000
82_GREATERGood/Care2 4/ week 180/ 210
84_POST 2 NASA photos
85_1 YOUTUBE vid
89_ Draw
90_ Write _FAIL
91_Write in Document 09
92 through 94_Week End_house schedule/ yard schedule/ menu/ weekly list
95_Month End_LIVEJOURNAL11/ 12
96_Month End_PHOTOGRAPHY_0/ 12_FAIL
97_Month End_HOUSE_12/ 12
98_Take 6 Online Courses
1_Udemy Color Drawing Pencil Course
2_Udemy Drawing with Confidence
3_The Ultimate Drawing Course_Beginner to Advanced
4_Editorial Illustration Tutorial: From Drawing to Photoshop_September
5_Self-Publish Your Children's Book - From Start to Finish_October
6_Building Kids Confidence Through Drawing: Art for Children
99_Design for backyard
101_Compile Mission101 Task List for 2018
And so on. And so on. And so on.