- Arriving at the hotel, followed shortly by gar_gar; we went down to the built-in sports bar, got fed, & watched USC beat the stuffing out of Oklahoma in some bowl game or other.
- The first morning, my erstwhile roommates and I shuttling to the airport & taking the train up to the conference. I noticed throughout the week that the demographics of MARTA change significantly depending on the time of day. Also, people seem to be a little more courteous than their counterparts on the old Red Rocket back in TO.
- The gradual accumulation of Auburn people in the hallway outside of a session room. The last time I was at this particular conference I only knew a handful of people; this time it was more or less in Auburn's backyard, and hence there was no shortage of people to talk to.
- Helping trimmje fill out her dance card for the computer dating service which is the mainstay of the Employment Center.
- Watching "10th Kingdom" in a minivan while alexsala drove us around in circles, because downtown Atlanta's no place for rational thought.
- Wandering around the exhibition hall, glass of Merlot in my hand, looking for a booth that's supposed to exist but unaccountably does not.
- Hearing about various people's (not universal, but common) positive experiences with interviewers at the Center. My own, when I went through the process three years ago, had been less than positive; I'm glad that others would seem to have had more luck.
- Explaining some of the finer points of roman domination and its dual(s) to sclark223 while my frequent collaborator R wrote his slides and plundered defenseless languages for words to mess with.
- The Great Fondue Adventure: taking transit into the wilds of "Buckhead" in search of a Melting Pot. Learning about transfers on the MARTA, and learning about the frequency of buses after normal work hours. leachboy had left earlier in the day, or else he would have footed the bill by decree of the DANGER organizing committee.
- Meandering around the downtown with Atif and Daven, in search of a restaurant that's open at 11:00 am on a Saturday, visions of multicoloured block designs dancing in my head.
...and a good time was had by all. But it's good to be back in a place where I get slightly more sleep.