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Comments 11

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ncis_love April 16 2011, 16:37:18 UTC
<3 you moar!

And no... would *never* want to piss you off. Neeeever. At first I wanted to make the dream really long, and make it seem like that was the actual story, but darn deadlines.. and other fics to write... did you believe... even for a second it was a McAbby/Tibbs fic? Prolly not... while I would write Tibbs, I'd never write McAbby.


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ncis_love April 16 2011, 16:38:17 UTC
Aw, thank you! And yes, the beach is a wonderful place to visit. I'm from Washington (state) but we spend 10-12 days every summer camping down at the Oregon coast. Best place to get-away from the world for a bit.


citymusings April 16 2011, 07:49:51 UTC
That was a really fun take on the prompts. Nice job - and very lucky Abby!


ncis_love April 16 2011, 16:40:26 UTC
Thank you! And lucky Abby, indeed! Gibbs can follow me to a beach house any day!


driftingatdusk April 16 2011, 10:48:30 UTC
*giggles* So love this story and the way you've got all of the prompts in it ;) And I so wish I could've seen Zabbs face as she read the beginning... ;)


ncis_love April 16 2011, 16:41:47 UTC
Thanks Jo! I know, I wish I could've seen her face, too. But she was on MSN at the time she read it, so we had a little laugh.


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ncis_love April 17 2011, 19:25:53 UTC
We try. *giggle*


bluefirebird April 17 2011, 19:08:04 UTC
You're wicked, Hanne. You do realise that?

Very nice story.


ncis_love April 17 2011, 19:26:11 UTC
Who, me? *innocent*

I try.


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