Title: Indefinitely
Series: Heroes
Pairing: Mylar
Rating: PG
Warning: Surprisingly, nothing.
Summary: It seems like Mohinder's having a very merry Christmas.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or their universe.
A/N: Yet another AU taking place post Season 2. For the
mylar_fic Holiday Contest. Prompt: under the Christmas tree.
Christmas was the happiest Matt had seen Mohinder since Sylar reappeared. Mohinder had told Matt he hadn't celebrated Christmas since he went to school in Britain, and in the weeks leading up to it he seemed oddly apprehensive, but from the moment Molly woke them up (yanking the couch cushions out from under Matt, then performing an impressive leap onto Mohinder's bed) Mohinder threw himself into the Christmas spirit.
Not that Matt thought Mohinder was ineligible for this particular holiday cheer-- it was just that Mohinder was a primarily serious guy. His thoughts were constantly abuzz with plans and lists and facts and theories. Today, though, he seemed to push all that aside aside. When they exchanged gifts under the tree, he hardly glanced at the wrapping paper strewn over the floor. He made pancakes with extra chocolate chips and let their syrupy dishes sit in the sink. He let Molly take her time deciding what she wanted to wear even though they'd be late to the Petrellis'.
"Nathan's doing better, I hear," Matt said as Molly searched for her nice shoes.
"Yes," Mohinder replied. He took their coats off the wall rack. "He still spends a lot of time resting, but Peter told me Heidi brought their sons over the other day."
"That sounds good. For that part of the family, anyway." Matt shook his head. "I can't wait to spend the day pretending Angela doesn't know anything about the shooting."
He expected Mohinder's wry agreement, but the other man glanced away. "If there's any day to set the complications of our lives aside, today is it," he said quietly.
Matt frowned, and he was about to point out how little sense that made, but suddenly Mohinder smiled again. "I don't know if I've ever told you how much I appreciate having you here," he said.
Matt shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, well, you know, a kid is a handful--"
"You're a good friend, Matt. I hope you know that by now this apartment is as much yours as it's mine or Molly's, even if you sleep on the couch."
Matt felt a little surprised, like it was Mohinder who could read his mind. Matt had grown very comfortable in this crowded little life, but when he'd entered into it, it was a short-term, mutually beneficial arrangement: he'd needed a place to stay and was only too happy to help care for Molly while Mohinder started his work with Bennet. There had never been a formal discussion about how Matt's stay became indefinite. Not that he he felt like Mohinder wanted him to leave-- it was just nice to know for sure that he wasn't presuming too much.
Matt returned Mohinder's smile and said, "Yeah, I like our weird little family too."
Something muted flickered across Mohinder's eyes, but Molly barreled into Matt then, wearing her shiny shoes and eager to see the big Petrelli house.
~ * ~
By the time they reached the Petrellis' door, Matt was positive that Mohinder's behavior had little to do with the holiday season. Everything he did seemed less like it was in the spirit of the season and more like it was his last chance to have these moments. Matt wondered briefly if Mohinder was sick, but he didn't think Mohinder would hide something that would change their lives so drastically.
It would have been easy to know what he was thinking, but despite the times when Matt's control slipped, he tried to leave people to their privacy out of respect, not to mention fairness, especially when it came to a friend. And there was a serenity to Mohinder as he watched Molly study the row of nutcrackers on the mantle or he laughed at one of Matt's corny jokes or he listened to some of Peter's more unbelievable EMT stories.
Matt was concerned, but he didn't want to intrude. There would be time to talk about it later.
~ * ~
Long after night had fallen, as they bundled up Molly to take her home, Matt could see only anxiety in Mohinder's every movement. The day was drawing to a close, and there was no way to stop it. By the time Matt pushed open their apartment door, it was nearly ten and Mohinder had barely said a word in the past hour.
"Can we visit Peter and his family again?" Molly asked as Matt helped her out of her coat.
"You liked it there, huh?" Matt said.
"Their bathroom was as big as our apartment!"
"Well, why don't you marry it?" Matt said with mock offense.
She giggled and pushed him playfully, but her attention shot toward the window as "O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum..." floated up from the street.
"Do you hear that?" Molly said, flinging herself against the glass.
"How can she still be so awake?" Matt laughed, but Mohinder stared at the clock.
"Can we give them cookies?" Molly asked over her shoulder.
Matt was about to say it was getting late, far past time for little girls to go to bed even on Christmas. Mohinder spoke first.
"I think that's a very nice idea, Molly," he said, going to the cabinet. He got out a paper plate and started to stack it with cookies. Molly hurried to help, telling him to get the best ones with the most sprinkles. "You don't mind taking her back out for a few minutes, do you, Matt?" Mohinder asked. "I'm a little winded."
"Yeah, sure," Matt said. He hadn't even had a chance to hang up her coat. "Hey, man, are you okay?"
Mohinder kept smiling. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" His eyes flickered to the clock again.
Matt had an urgent gut feeling, and he broke his rule and reached out his mind. A wonderful day, he heard.
But then Mohinder ushered him and Molly out the door with the plate, and Molly dragged Matt down the stairs to greet the carolers. They were grateful for the treat, and sang "Carol of the Bells" at her request. Molly listened happily, but Matt itched to get back upstairs. Something was off and he needed to find out what.
When the song ended, Matt reminded Molly to thank the carolers and urged her back inside. She hummed the song happily as they climbed the stairs, and Matt fought back the compulsion to just pick her up and run the rest of the way. What did he think was going to happen?
When they got back to the apartment, it was quiet. Mohinder had closed his door and turned off all the lights except the ones on the tree.
"Wow, he was really tired," Molly said.
"It was a busy day," Matt replied. He ruffled her hair. "And if adults are going to sleep, little girls have no business being awake!"
"I'm not that little," Molly mumbled, but to her obvious annoyance, she yawned.
"Just little enough."
Only fifteen minutes later, she was sound asleep, and Matt returned to the tree. Mohinder's unwrapped gifts were stacked neatly beneath it as they'd been since that morning, between Molly's and Matt's, but now on top of the pile sat a white envelope with Matt's name. Matt had seen it when they walked in, just as he'd noticed Mohinder's missing coat and how the window wasn't quite closed all the way. He ripped the letter open.
I know there couldn't be a worse time to leave you and Molly. If I'd had a choice, I would have waited. Of course, if I'd had a choice, I'd still be here.
It wasn't easy to hide it from you, but I've seen Sylar since he stole the cure. He always came to me when I was alone, in the apartment or the lab, and eventually he made me an offer. If I left with him, he would leave Molly, you, and all the other powered people I know alone. I don't know how much I believe that, but within a mere moment he'd put another measure of responsibility into my hands. I know you'd say I'm not responsible for him, but what else can I do when I can prevent inevitable harm? When I can make sure Molly will only see the bogeyman in her nightmares?
I know Molly will look for me. She'll know exactly where I am and who I am with. Please do what you can to ease her fears. I know it will be hard for her to accept, and I can't bear for her to experience more trauma than she already has. I'm sorry to leave this to you, Matt.
I don't expect anyone not to come for me, though I wish you wouldn't, but you'll have to be clever about it. Sylar's been busy while evading the Company, restocking his powers. Everyone has to master their abilities, otherwise the chances are too great that he will overpower all of you even if you work together.
But your goal should be to defeat him so he won't hurt any more people, not for me. I will be okay-- I have his only weakness, after all. And I want to do whatever I can to protect the people I care about.
- Mohinder
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