Oooh, cool [sic]. I have been admitted into the summer abroad program in Tokyo. I also start a new full time job this morning (hence the insomnia). So, the good news is that I will have more green while there, the bad news is that I will not be able to stay longer than the program (June 8 - July 5).
Where will you be this summer? I would like to maximize the time I get to see you. My attempts to replace our conversations have been disastrous. The crux of every one of their arguments is "I just feel that..." FEEL?
Besides having utterly trounced those two fellows back in Miyazaki Socrates-style, I've had no conversations of note. But the dead keep me company. I've even given Edith Wharton another go. That's fantastic you're coming, but unfortunate you can't stay longer. No way we can bugger off to Thailand for a week or so? There's a fair chance I'll be IN Tokyo by then, but I don't know...I'm in the job-search process, and I'll probably either stay in Gotenba as a teacher or move to Tokyo as a, who knows, editor??
I will try this thing you ask - but in April, so that I've had two full months to prove my value, and why they should allow me to take six weeks off, when everyone else only gets two.
Comments 3
Where will you be this summer? I would like to maximize the time I get to see you. My attempts to replace our conversations have been disastrous. The crux of every one of their arguments is "I just feel that..." FEEL?
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