Star Trek - no spoilers

May 09, 2009 11:49

Family / friends group of 13 (as a change from the usual Friday night get togethers at the Momma's) Went to see Star Trek last night - OMG!

The Movie - I admit to being nervous, but it was fantastic. The script was good, the special effects were special, and the actors did a wonderful job. Especially Karl Urban as McCoy. Pine and Quinto were both yummy in their own ways, and Eric Bana made a reasonably sympathic villian.

Go see this movie - NOW!

BTW - if you are in Colorado, the Landmark: nice lobby, lovely wine bar, complementary popcorn and soda - very nice. Stadium seating was okay - not very comfortable considering the high end image they want to show off. VIP seating was nice, VIP restroom was almost worth the extra price, the chair side food delivery was okay because while the service was better than expected the food was pretty much ucky.


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