You've probably seen this before - a grand old list of things that supposedly indicate you are a devil worshiper while ignoring most any common sense about what the average person might own.
Things I have are in bold, things I don't have but are in my mom's witching supplies (and thus I have easy access to them) are starred. The italics are my own comments.
1. Occult games (I Ching, ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal ball, fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons) I have D&D 3rd edition, I’m not sure that counts…I have Runequest though, and that has naked ladies and S&M right in the rulebook
2. Ashes from fire pits, including fireplaces and wood stoves
3. Robes and detachable hoods
4. Gongs, drums and bells *
5. Wooden stand for an altar, a marble slab or crosses *
6. Chalice, goblet, cruet *
7. Phallus (sculpture of the male sex organ) *
8. Heavy wooden staff, sword, knives Well, duh
9. Small velvet pillow, scarlet in color
10. Bullwhip, cat o'nine tails, ligatures I keep my whip under my bed, but you probably knew that already
11. Mirror
12. Animal mask, possibly papier mache *
13. Black satin or velvet glove for the right hand Remember, as long as you only have the left hand glove you’re fine
14. Large ruby ring, worn on the first finger of the right hand
15. Flash powder, smoke bombs
16. Incense
17. Body paint, face paint * Go henna!
18. Metal crown with four candle holders
19. Ferns, palms *
20. Human or animal bones (especially skull, long bones, finger bones) Mine is sharp, pointy, and generally better than most bones for stabbing
21. Coffin
22. Ritual books, black books, diaries (such as the Book of Shadows, which may be handwritten) Who has a decent book collection and doesn’t have a black book somewhere in it?
23. Medallions with satanic symbols (such as pentagrams, peace symbol, yin/yang, etc.) My yin/yang keychain will be the end of me…
24. Occult jewelry
25. Small animals in cages Not anymore, technically, but I think it’s the intentions that count
26. Graph paper for fantasy games Thanks for specifying "for fantasy games" - I almost got confused and counted this one twice for my mathematics graph paper
27. Oddly shaped dice
28. Horror masks and costumes
29. Crystals
30. Small metal figurines of mythological nature Lessee, dragon dragon dragon knight dragon tanuki…
31. Posters of mythological beings, animals, half-animals
32. Nightmarish posters Isn’t this stupidly subjective? Makes it easy to count it, though…
33. Sexual, particularly sado-masochistic, posters I think a page torn from a magazine implying that women should be hunted down with bows and arrows counts, don’t you?
34. Posters of heavy metal and punk rock stars
35. Paraphernalia related to the martial arts - such as ninja costumes and throwing stars and swords and knives and heavy wooden staves…
That's 22/35 total counting just my stuff, or 28 counting everything to which I have access. Oh dear, this might be bad...