Jan 30, 2013 07:47
I have just watched it last night. It was really good. OMG. If you are hesitating to watch it, then don't. Really. 'Cause I also hesitated at first. I thought the movie will be too serious, and I thought twice because I didn't think I will like it. If you're thinking the same, then erase those thoughts. Last night, I only thought of watching the first part 'cause I plan to only watch it bit by bit. (And I consider myself studying *laughs*) But no. It glued me to my seat, watching the rest of two hours of the movie. OMG, Kenshin. OMG, Kaoru. OMG, Sato Takeru. Until now, I find myself playing back the last part again and again.
If I'll have time, I think I'm going to make a review of this. Of course, including spoilers about each and every scen of how hot is Sato Takeru hat I like. :)))
Jaa nee~ I'll prepare for school now.
jap: sato takeru,
!jdrama/jmovie reviews,
jap: takei emi