Drama plot: Masazumi (Higashiyama) and Hikari (Shibasaki) are "married". But instead of filing their official marriage registration to the office, they have a contract marriage, indicating weird conditions and rules. One of these rules is to not investigate about Hikari's past no matter what. Also, the most important rule that Masazumi must obey is for him to not change his irrevocable stand on certain issues (Masazumi is a newscaster). Satisfying this condition, their "contract marriage" will continue.
Honestly, I decided to watch this because of Shibasaki Kou and Higashiyama Noriyuki at first. But without Shibasaki's brilliant acting, I wouldn't had finished this drama.
The first episodes of this drama was maa-maa (so-so). I didn't like the approach of Mazasumi-san's (Higashiyama) "preach" or advise. I got irritated with his short-temper especially because he just basically whine, complain, and order people around in the whole series. I honestly nearly dropped this drama especially because I didn't have any memory space for my fangirling, and I slightly lost interest of this. But since I already downloaded all the episodes and I was intrigued by Hikari's (Shibasaki) secret, I decided to finish it before deleting the whole series.
It was a touching drama to be frank, but only on Hikari's side. LOL. Especially in the end where Hikari and her mother made up. Oh, what a scene. :) But if you don't like a tragic ending, then... prepare for yourself. I was like this O_o as the ending comes through. So if you'll ask me, it's not a very beautiful you-missed-half-of-your-life-if-you-haven't-seen-this drama, but it is worth the watch, and a touching story of a woman who wants and tries to move on from her past. I still love it though.
Rating: 6/10 7/10 for Hikari haha, and I got LSS with Hikari's lullaby