Sims Post: Crappy Photoless Version

Jul 18, 2012 16:28

I had decided I was done doing Sim posts, but Mally made UBER sad face at me, so, fine, here ya go. As stated in the title, there aren't any photos because I didn't take any, so hey, at least it'll load quick, right?

God I'm a nerd.

Anyway, last time we had a bunch of teenagers and a couple of parents that were flinging head long into elderhood. Well, they continued their headlong fling and followed it straight into the grave. Imogene died first, and did it at work. Harsh. I had to have Wallace go and pick up her headstone from in front of the theater so he could drop it on the family plot. Which, since I bought the cemetery, I can edit now, so I smoothed out the ground around the family plot so I can dump more people there. Sweet. Klaus died shortly after all the kids grew up into adults.

Before they got moved out, Selene and Fabian had a kid named Xena. She grew up into a toddler, and they were out of the house. By Fabian and your suck ass traits.

Wallace didn't end up getting moved out the moment he turned 18, though, like I had planned. Instead he went and got married to a black haired girl named Bernadette and they had a little girl named Yeardley who ended up getting the old family hair. Once Yeardley grew up into a toddler, THEN they moved out.

While Wallace was getting Bernie knocked up, Ursula went off and got married to some guy who's name I can't remember. Julian? Something. She ended up getting pregnant, too, and had a little girl (Zelda) literally the DAY after Xena was born. And it turns out that raising triplets is somehow WAY EASIER than raising two babies that are born a day apart and I don't really know why. Raising those three girls in quick succession SUCKED. Also, having multiple toddlers in the house, all with different parents but the same damn hair makes moving couples out HARROWING. Like when I went to movie out Selene and Fabian and Yeardley. I was terrified I was going to have them take the wrong baby with them. Then again when moving out Wallace. How in the world does one go about swapping toddlers?

During all this kid having and kid raising, Viola is just kind of sitting around, twiddling her thumbs waiting for Donnell, her high school sweet heart to GROW UP so they can get married. She called him every single day to make sure that their friendship level didn't fall and make it a pain in the ass for me to get them hitched and everything. Then, right around the time that Zelda was hitting her toddler years I went, wait, you know, this guy has been a teenager for, like, the growing time of four kids. That's like 12 years in Sim time. So I had Viola call him up to hang out and OH LOOK AT THAT, he's a young adult. Fuck. So I had them get married by the Garbage Can of Love, and about 12 minutes later he aged up into an adult adult. Viola bit the hell out him a second later and then ran off to get knocked up herself since her siblings had made it look like such good time fun.

Viola's pregnant, Zelda is barely a toddler, and Ursula and What's-His-Nuts (I just looked, his name is Jude) should be moving out, but they wanted another kid. Sooooooooo, hey, let's have all the ladies in the house knocked up. That sounds like fun. (spoiler - no, no it's not). Viola beat Ursula to the hospital and had Austin, then Ursula ran in right behind her and had Benjamin. SO MANY DAMN BABIES. Once Benjamin hit his toddler years, that whole bit of family was OUT so it was just Donnell, Viola, and little baby Austin. And things were good. They had two cats, Merlin and Gumiho, and a dog, Dexter, who I only got because his name was Dexter. He's my second Dexter Carrol. :) As of right now, all the pets are still alive.

Donnell worked his way up the ranks of the criminal career track, which was a pain in the ASS since he'd get just to the point of earning a promotion to level 10, and then he'd get arrested and his work record would go down juuuust enough to keep him from getting promoted because he was technically 'missing work' while sitting in the clink. He got arrested like three nights in a row. :-\

Viola spent a lot of her time writing children's books and being really weird about wanting to play with the cats ALL THE DAMN TIME. Like, she'd be 5 minutes from peeing herself, and instead of deciding to go to the bathroom, she'd decide to go play laser pointers with the cat. Ugh. Go pee, woman! And no one plays with the dog. It's like, whatever, dog, go find me a rock. *head shake*

After Austin crawled his way into childhood (and I took a good, solid week off from the game) Viola and Donnell decided the time was right to have another kid, so along came Charlie, and Charlie got the good old family hair. And then I said 'FUCK YOU, FAMILY HAIR' and made his hair white instead since it's his favourite colour. Seriously, I am SO DONE with the reddish brown with blonde streaks thing. It's been seven generations, it can GO.

Charlie JUST aged up into a teenager, Austin is a young adult doing the high school girlfriend thing AGAIN (only this time I'm having them go out like every day so that I know when she ages up. She's pretty, too, which is generally kind of a shocker in Sims NPC land), and when Charlie got to be a kid, along came little Darcy. So, yeah, Viola is taking after her mom and working to populate the town entirely with her own spawn. Darcy's a toddler right now and she got daddy's black hair. So that's one brown, one white, and one black. Mmmm, variety!

Thankfully, aside from Klaus, no one has randomly wandered through the house and died, and all of the kid's dates have managed to be death free, which is nice. It's quite the change of pace from the constant death knell that used to go on in this house.

One thing that's kind of funny, though, is that sometimes I'd have my teenagers (back when they were still teenagers) downtown and they'd run into, like, Nathan or Proust and be all 'hi there, big brother! :D' and Nathan would be all 'whatever, kid, try being a bigger celeb is you want to talk to me,' and just completely blow them off. It's like, dude, that's your little sister, you can at least be civil even if you are a big name celeb guy. No need to be a dick. Apparently the game just doesn't care about family lines (as evinced by all the family interbreeding) and if a kid is born 25 years after another one, they mean NOTHING to each other. Damn big families.


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