
Jun 25, 2013 01:26


1. Be over 16 to play here due to the fact that there is bound to be mature subject matter popping up and flitting around. Exceptions may be made (if you're turning 16 soon, for example), but we reserve the right to use our own discretion on whom we may accept.

2. Post your logs to the main comm (gakuen_puri), and properly label them.

3. Post your intros and whatever else you might want to share in the OOC community. That's what it's there for. Get to know your fellow muns!

4. Try your best to stay in-character.

5. Have fun!


1. Godmod/godmode, powergame, or OTP chase please. They ruin the game. We're all just trying to have fun here.

2. Take in-character drama out-of-game, or bring out-of-game drama in-game. Drama reproduces quickly enough as it is. We don't need any weird hybrids running around. Leave it where it originated.

3. Character death. No killing off your own character, or trying to kill someone else's. Likewise:

4. Do anything/plot anything that will affect another character without talking to their mun first. Anything that will affect the community as a whole should be discussed with the mods first. (For example, you're plotting a birthday party for your character, and a large number of people will be involved.)

5. Try to break the game. Things like "yeah, my character has connections, so I'm gonna have someone pick me up in a helicopter."

6. Character sit. A minimum of two character posts a month is required. They may not be within the same 24-hour period. Alternatively, two logs may be done, or a log and a post. (The month that you're accepted into the community does not count against you.)

Activity checks will happen the first of every month. Warning pokes will be issued then. If you get poked for inactivity, you have one month to increase it.

7. Basically, just don't be an asshat. We'll know. Play nice, guys.

We're operating on a "three strike" system here. Breaking a rule gets you a strike. Failing to increase your activity gets you a strike. Three strikes, and we'll have to ask you to leave. You may return after six months if you wish. Strikes reset every year (providing this game lasts that long).


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