Dreams Garden Spree #1 Updates!
Spreesgalore Feedback
(+8/-0) First time ordering from these websites.. pls join if you're comfortable with it~
Minimum 10 pieces to order~
Spree started: 25th June 2008
Spree ended: 1st July 2008
Original Spree links:
Spreesgalore or
Spreesation Website I'm ordering from:
Dreams Garden Updates
1 July 2008: Spree CLOSED!! Orders consolidated and sent over to Dreams Garden.
Awaiting their replies on OOS items~~
2 July 2008: Dreams garden had replied! There are 2 OOS items and the spreers affected are:
(Christel / mscrystalbelle) and (teal/twilightpixels)
【RB5001】金黃釘釦穿環釦鎖兩用包.3色, 黑色
The rest of the items are in stocks and pre-order. I have asked when will the
preorder items arrive so that I can estimate when we can receive the items.
Also waiting for them to advise on the shipping.. =)
12 July 2008 : Payment made to Dreams Garden already. Awaiting them to verify payment..
So sorry for the wait babes!
16 July 2008: Hi babes.. Dreams garden currently still re-stocking for 5 bags..
I'm not sure when they will arrive though.. They kept ignoring my question on
estimation on time of arrival.. -.-
20 July 2008: There's another bag that is OOS.. So sorry..
celine/icezz : 【RB2019】漆皮質感大容量通勤包 黑色
25 July 2008: This bag is being restocked.. no more OOS!
celine/icezz : 【RB2019】漆皮質感大容量通勤包 黑色
10 Aug 2008: Dreams garden advised that today will be done with restocking..
not really sure if its true or not.. will email them tomorrow again to
double check!
14 Aug 2008: Hi babes there is 1 more bag to be restocked:
【RB2018】經典菱格穿環肩背包:::白色::: -> they mention that it will arrive
in the next few days..
21 Aug 2008: Items arrived!! Need some time to do sorting out..