Title: Better Days, the sort of sequel
Pairings: Minchun and Jaeho
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: lame pick up lines and once again, weird nicknames
A/N: there aren't many Minchun scenes in the first 2 parts and i fear that this didn't turn out as good as i would have hoped -.-
Also, sorry if there's any errors. I didn't double check nor is it beta'ed.
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Comments 30
I'm off to read.
I don't think you butchered this. I think you did a great job!
I love the sarcasm and Yoochun's p.o.v it's funny!
AND When you describe Changmin as this smooth, cool type of guy, where Yoochun's a nervous, dorky boy, It's so so so much love! Seriously, I love how you portray them! It's different.
I loved reading this ^^
Thanks for sharing ♥
i am so happy that you loved it!!! =jumps around like a little girl=
thanks so much for commenting and reading!!!
one of the cutest yoomin fics i have read. ^^
yoochun is so crabby that it's lovable.
“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.”
and those pick-up lines are so lame !! XDDDD
where did you get your inspiration?
those pictures were a nice touch too.
but i would be way much more annoying -.-
i got my inspiration from valentine's day? i guess since i don't really like v-day (esp. since i don't have a guy -.-) and i can only imagine the people who don't like but have to plan something for someone they care about?
the pick up lines were lame. i had so much more i wanted to put in, but it wouldn't fit XD
i'm not very descriptive, so, pics were the only option available to me =3
actually, i found the coffee shop pic from google... XD
but i mainly put it up since i can't describe things for my life XD
This is one of the fic that makes me really like Minchun...
PS: butchered this? My foot! You did great!!! bwhahahahahahaha roflmao... I so love Jae the-busybody-dorky-best-friend here!!
sure, i'll post all of it under one thing. i'll do it a little bit later, ok ^^
=hugs you= thanks! i always read yoomin so i wanted minchun!
thanks so much! and jae is the ultimate best annoying friend XD
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