Movie Review: Source Code

Aug 06, 2011 09:58

I greatly enjoyed this movie, despite its flaws.  Jake Gyllenhall is a legit action star, the story was engaging and gripping, it was very well directed, and it looked wonderful.  Great performances all around (except for the head scientist), and I loved the story.

Now that I've thoroughly recommended it, let's discuss its flaws.  First of all, the premise was impossible in about 6 different ways, and then the movie violated its premises at the end to make it too clever by half when they didn't need to, because the main plot was satisfying enough.  The "sci" in sci-fi contained a few laughable hand-waving terms like "parabolic calculus", and so the movie would have worked better just as a paranormal thriller, like a 21st Century Twilight Zone episode.

Interestingly, the movie opened up so many cans of worms that they could have gone several other directions with the film, but thinking about those paths not taken just made me like the movie more.  I just pray they don't come out with a sequel.  I can see it now. . . Source Code 2: This time, it's ridiculous!

If you like impossible movies, this one is much better than Inception.  If you like Philip K. Dick, you'll like this movie.  If you liked Groundhog Day and want to see a paranormal thriller take on it, you'll love Source Code.
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