I wonder if this is the path that I'm choosing...

Dec 29, 2009 21:10

it would appear to be so.

I have been synthesising my thoughts regarding the Feminine, ecology and the Dominator paradigm. It would appear that the pattern of my own eco-feminism is emerging, being shaped in rapid flux by many, many things that are coming across my path at the moment. For example:

the local council is currently attempting to force our acquiescence to their unlawful exercise of power by threatening to bulldoze our home if we fail to comply with their demands for our buildings to be 'approved' of as 'legal dwellings'. This requires vast sums of money to be paid to this unlawful entity (as all local councils, under the Australian constitution, are actually completely without lawful foundation and as such have zero lawful ability to decree anything at all in terms of how people can and cannot live).

I experience this threat to exert their 'exercise of power' as nothing short of the same dominance and control that the dominator model has inflicted on all aspects of society for as long as society has agreed to bear the yoke of this false power. I do not acquiesce to this, as I also do not acquiesce to the same dominator tactics pertaining to behaviours towards and treatment of indigenous peoples, the environment, women, children, the elderly, the sick and the disabled of the planet. I do not acquiesce to being considered a corporate entity in a corporate legal world- I am a human being, a free woman, to which the laws of corporate and dominator models do not apply.

We experience domination, in whatever form, because we agree to it: in our legal environment, if you are not clearly objecting to something (as in written form clearly stating 'I do not consent/agree') then you are tacitly acquiescing tp whatever it is that the corporate legal entities otherwise known as governments are intending. In other words, the incarceration of refugees in Australian concentration camps is happening because the Australian public is not demanding, as a whole, the immediate closure of them and the freeing of the inmates. If the Australian public were to demand, as a whole, that this happen immediately, and back up their demand by pointing out that the Australian government is acting outside its lawful ability to act if it refuses, then the centres would be closed tomorrow.

This is the same for every single instance where the government is behaving outside the will of the people- environmentally, socially, economically- even the clean feed debacle is a violation of the rights of the people, currently being enabled because not enough people give a shit. The interlocking philosophies that give those imagining the power of their own 'authority' to behave in ways that frequently act to the detriment of the people involved in the decisions enable all the violations that different groups struggle against today: the reasonings used to enable environmental violations and destruction are rooted in the same dominator mentality that allows the objectification- and thus economic exploitation- of women, of children, of those who are not in an economic position to defend themselves. It's all the same thing, and I'm not acquiescing anymore.

As a society we will continue to experience the devastation and excesses of corporate and governmental insanity while we agree as a group to be dominated in this way. As women, we will continue to experience the dominator behaviours of rape, discrimination, murder, abuse, mutilation, disempowerment, dismissal and trivialisation while we, as a group, accept this treatment. There is no 'transforming' government, because essentially government has been created by a culture that needs to control- by whatever means necessary- the behaviours of its people. Transformation will occur as people begin to understand that they neither need nor want controlling, not because they are out of control, but because they are capable of deep self direction, caring and connection.

It's not impossible. There have been other societies and cultures that, to one extent or the other, have demonstrated these ideals in such ways that we can learn from and take forward the behaviours and practices. It's not a utopian fantasy: the dominator culture likes to bandy about these words- and other such myths as 'economic reality' and 'sustainable economics'- as a way of disempowering and dismissing dissent. We can wake up, if we really want to.

For me, there's no other choice. I was always going to be the kind of person to take the red pill. Damn straight, I want to see just how deep this fucking rabbit hole goes...
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