Age: 17.
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Medical Info:
V-Type disease is caused by bacteria. We’ve recently discovered that it’s present in Vajra [alien] bodily fluids, but infections lead to development of symptoms. It’s a blood and bodily fluid infection so the infection rate is low. If it’s caught early, it can be cured with a serum produced from the Vajra. However, if that period passes, the bacteria takes root in the brain and begins to produce a toxin. Once that happens, there is nothing that can be done.
tl;dr there are alien bacteria in her head. These bacteria connect her to a hive of giant bugs, and help her voice to resonate and communicate (in a garbled way) with these spacebugs. They are also killing her. Sheryl is deliberately not taking the medicines that would slow the infection in order to make her fold waves stronger, so she can be more effective in helping Alto (and Frontier. But mostly Alto) against the Vajra. More here:
See this. Feel free to notice this with scientific or magical knowledge. Sheryl's voice emits "fold waves" which can be picked up with scientific equipment; the toxins (and hell, probably the bacteria) can be observed with science/medicine, too.
Randomly, Sheryl's blood type is "α," a unique type she shares with her grandmother, great-aunt, and a crazy alien destructo-machine from Macross Zero.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: It’s… blonde and pink at the same time? IF HER HAIR IS GOLD/PURPLE/BLUE IN AN ICON, THAT’S NOT HER REAL HAIR COLOR it’s just stage holographic technology or something.
Physical traits: Always wearing one bangly earring in her right ear. There isn’t one in the left!
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything.
See this. Notes for the Psychics:
See this.Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes? Also, Sheryl takes the brunt of most of the show’s fanservice. If you want her shirt to fall off, her panties to flash, aliens to run away with her panties - get in touch.
Maim/Murder/Death: No.
Cooking: To quote AnimeSuki's translation of her blog: She starts off by wondering why such things exist then goes off on a tangent about food. It turns out that she can cook and makes a comment about how the stereotype that pretty girls can't cook are only true about girls from years old anime. "Who the hell do you think I am? I'm Sheryl Nome!" It ends with her wondering what she was first trying to say. tl;dr YES. SURPRISINGLY.