Oct 10, 2009 03:00
- 09:34:20: Just realized it's my mom's birthday on Sunday. I guess I need to get her a present. Hmmm....
- 09:57:55: In other news: It's Friday! Season 2 of #Sanctuary starts today!!! FINALLY! SQUEE! *is very very very very very excited*
- 12:52:38: I'm at uni with 3 hours to kill. I went shopping for USB hubs and I'm meeting some ppl here at 4. No
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my tweets,
Oct 09, 2009 03:00
- 07:46:46: My alarm just went off. Thank you alarm, but I've been up for over an hour already... :P
- 07:53:35: I seem to have passed the 400 tweets mark without realizing. At least this time it wasn't due to excessive hashtagging like tweets 200 & 300
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my tweets
Oct 08, 2009 03:00
- 19:50:18: Writing a learning diary. What did I learn? Fuck all. Seriously. Multilingualism in the post-national economy. Does not compute.
- 19:58:30: I'm summarising the parts of my notes that make some sense. But then I have to comment on it. How do you fake an opinion when you have none?
- 20:25:57: Talking about strawberries in my learning diary.
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my tweets
Oct 07, 2009 03:01
- 17:42:43: I have two more hours of uni, a headache and no painkillers. Yippee. And now I have to go find out what an implicative verb is...
- 17:46:34: It's not easy reading a linguistic article when your head hurts even before you try to decode all the academic writing.
- 20:05:48: Home, finally! Owww, my head hurts. Took some ibuprofen. Should be
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my tweets
Oct 01, 2009 03:00
- 16:21:56: I bought a blender today. Haven't tried it yet. I thought I'd clean my kitchen first... And then mess it up with the blender again. ;)
- 17:03:33: I made a banana milkshake with my brand new blender. Yummy.
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my tweets
Sep 29, 2009 03:00
- 17:15:04: Tried changing the battery to my fire alarm. Pushed the test button and it wouldn't shut the hell up! Methinks I need a new fire alarm.
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my tweets
Sep 25, 2009 03:00
- 16:46:15: Definitely not going to go on any hashtag mission today, despite it being Thursday... :P
- 17:06:32: My big brother sent me a text with stuff I shouldn't tell our mom about... I just forwarded the message to her. I'm such a good sister.
- 17:07:37: In all fairness, my bro can be such a dumbass, and that message definitely fell into that
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my tweets