Alright, time for my obligatory Supernatural spiel.
This episode surprised me. It was very good, the younger Winchester boys were great, they managed to catch quite a few of the little quirks that the elders have. It's nice to have it back to the monster of the week formula too. I think that's what's got me liking the episode so much actually. I was getting tired of the heavy handed angel vs. demon thing, Dean's "woe is me" thing and Sam's demon power thing. Sure there's some emo-ing on Sam's part, but hey, lets face it, that's what he does. This is what I missed from my show. I can't deny that the quality of the episodes have improved greatly since the first season, and that the fourth season has been AMAZINGLY strong, but I missed the old formula of season 1. Things were happier then. ^^
Getting to know more about the boys' past was a nice little treat. Seeing how they interact with the "normies" was everything I could've hoped it to be.
I'm assuming at this point is where the swing to Sammy focus is supposed to happen? I had been hearing (and seeing) that the first half of the season was going to be very Dean-oriented and then the second half would focus more on Sam? Don't know if that's the case, but it's nice that it's evened out again. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the whole reason I started watching this show was the relationship between the brothers. I've never been a fan of episodes where they're separated or where it focuses more on one brother than the other (though, okay, I'm a little bit of a Sam-girl so I suppose I'm more forgiving when episodes swing in his direction... still, there's no Sam without Dean).
Anyhoo, all that rambling to say that: "Yay, I enjoyed it."
Oh, I had one little nitpicky thing, which is really quite silly, but still, it bothers me. How did Sam end up with just a tiny little cut on his lip and eyebrow after being beaten into the ground by that possessed footballer? After the amount of damage he took when that demon possessed guy beat him up in much the same fashion in Season 1 and he came out looking like shit, you think there'd be similar results. I suppose you could argue demon strength... I dunno. Like I said, a small, silly thing to care about, but it bugs me.
Finally: I shall never look at a Cuisinart the same way. O_o I had this thing about garberators or whatever you call them, and the episode "Home" just made that 10x worse... now I'm going to be super leery around our blender. >.>
Now I'd like to go off on a tangent a bit... What the hell happened to my fandom!? I used to be proud to say I was a part of the Supernatural fandom, it had the greatest kind of people, intelligent conversations, all that jazz. Now? Well, now it's filled with all kinds of wank. The fans never seem to be happy with the show or new characters unless they're male. Now sure, I had my problems with Jo, she was annoying to me and reminded me of my little sister. I had my problems with Ruby, 'cause lets face it, she's a bitch. This new Ruby is a lot different, she's got Sam's back more this season without all the unnecessary "Look how tough I am" crap. I had a huge problem with Anna 'cause she's everything that a Mary-Sue embodies, making things all too convenient.
That said, there's been a lot of great female side characters like Sarah, Cassie, Haley, Ellen was awesome, where'd she get to? Lilith is horribly creepy, which is perfect. I dunno, I just don't get the fandom anymore.
It seems to have gotten overrun by hormonal teenagers that care only about how the guys look. There's no substance anymore.
I want my old school fandom back.