In point form 'cause my brain's not working very well right now...
- Not sure how I feel about mopey!Bobby, but really? You can't blame the guy. Still trying to figure out how stabbing oneself in the gut paralyzes oneself...
- Castiel is still awesome.
- Finally the secret of the Dean amulet revealed?
- The episode kinda had the feel of Croatoan 2.0 to me... Locked down in a town with psycho people...
- Was worried about Sam and the blood, but knew something was off when the guys were stabbed with the Knife of Demonslaying +2 and they didn't light up.
- Yay Ellen! ^^ I always liked her.
- Jo doesn't suck as much this time around either.
- Boys split up and Sam gets captured and beat up. Of course. Nothing ever good comes of that.
- Well there's the first of the Four Horsemen. Yay! I was kinda hoping he'd look more... well, awesome. And why would War drive a Mustang? Even a sweet '68 Mustang. I mean, they're hot, sure, but I picture War being this huge burly badass guy with like a GTO or a Charger. Not some old-ish guy with the One Ring.
- Also glad I'm not the only one who thought of LotR there... Why a ring anyway?
- Boys splitting up!? No! See my two points up, we know this isn't going to go well. I had heard about the show sort of becoming like the Dean and Castiel show (kinda was last year), but I wasn't expecting it so soon. ;_; It had better not last long.
That's pretty much it there.
Chemo last Tuesday. Went well enough really. My left arm is reacting poorly to all the alcohol and plastic bandages they've been putting on it though. Makes it SUPER itchy and it broke out in a rash last time. It was alright for a couple days, but it's starting to get itchy again. Gah.
Feeling tired again, not as OMG!tired as last time though I find. So far anyway. Still have that bad taste in my mouth though. Blah.
Also last Tuesday Ian, Chantel and
jdkusanagi and his brother took off to Japan for two and a half weeks. This is the first time in three years I haven't gone to Japan and I'm really kind of feeling it. Been a bit down lately, have the travel bug... But I'm keeping in touch so it's not too bad. I'm just going to have to do a lot of traveling next year to make up for it.