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tempertemper77 . This is my first time being tagged. Very excited. I am a dork.
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1. I am allergic to all creatures that come from the sea, sesame seeds, cantaloup and all nuts EXCEPT almonds and peanuts. Yes, I am a genetic defective.
2. When I take the subway to work in the morning and home at night, I always stand in exactly the same spot on the platform and switch at the same stations. I will get off a train that is moving just to switch at my usual station (which is a big no no in NY...you ALWAYS stay on a moving train for as long as possible before transferring). Also I have their weird knack for knowing where to stand on the train platform to be right in front of a door...even if I never take that train.
3. My husband is Romanian. I am definitely not.
4. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 17. What can I say? I grew up in NYC...it just somehow wasn't obligatory.
5. My biggest regret is that I did not work harder in undergrad because it really has continued to matter and thrown up roadblocks that I wouldn't have expected. However, the entire experience has taught me not to take things for granted because you never know how they are going to affect you down the line. So that is good...
6. My dream is to own a paperie/stationery store with a little cafe attached in Brooklyn with my friend. We would be a part of the local community here (I grew up in Brooklyn) and it would be so much better than sitting at a desk in an office every day.
7. I make brownies like nobody's bizness. In fact, it's entirely possible that I acquired several of my past boyfriends because of my brownie-making skills. It's a family recipe and it is magic. Either that or people just really like chocolate. ;)
So, now I am supposed to tag 7 people on my flist. However, I am so new to lj that I don't really have that much of an flist. So I am just going to tag 2 persons for now
aurilly manual84