Sep 02, 2011 00:01
Icon of the new puppy. The schnoodle. She's nuts, bouncie, yappy, and adorable.
Pippin doesn't think much of her. They sleep withing feet of each other, but
every night around 9-10pm they bark at each other for about an hour.
Having trouble house breaking Rosie. (The only female Hobbit name we knew)
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Comments 7
Rosie obviously recognizes that Pippin is her elder. She wants to play with him though. She's used to 7 brothers and sisters. The nightly barking (which has been strangely absent tonight) starts out.... yapp.. bark.....yap....bark.....yap....bark.....and ends up as yappbarkyappbark constantly. I'd just like a little peek into their little heads. Like why, when she tries to lie down a foot away from him, he blows her away with a BARK. Then last night she was curled up sleeping and he curled up an inch away from her. I guess he's making sure that things are on *his* terms.
She's a major cutie!
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