Title: A time for giving
Author: galaxy-song
Beta: Wish I had found one in time
Series: Reboot
Rating: Nc17
Length: 3658
Warnings: Small mentions of a few kinks, cross dressing, D/S
Summary: Jim just wants to spend one spontaneous night with Spock
Notes: Based on the prompt Spock offers to do any Kink Kirk want for Christmas
This is a lot longer and
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Comments 13
I also noticed that you used "staired" when it should be "stared".
I know it sucks when people are grammar nazis; however, for me at least, it is less about having perfect grammar and more about not breaking the link between reader and story which grammar mistakes (especially synonym confusion) does.
Anyway, I really do like this fic. It's cute and entertaining, nit to mention adorably sweet. It is hot as well! ;) And the smut scene will only be enhanced if you decide to go through and fix those "there's".
My grammer has always been terrible and I always did plan and going back to try and fix this. I think I kind of rushed it in the end for the closing date:)
Thanks for taking the time to comment:) I will try and get the time to fix this.
Anyway, hope you had a good time at your con!
Happy writing!
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