Name: Haze, Dolores
Sex: Female
Age: 14
D.O.B.: October 23rd
Blood Type: O-
Height: 5'0"/152cm
Weight: 94lbs/42kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Nationality: American
Family History: Only child; lives with her mother Carmela and father Grover. Her family is strongly religious, and her parents regularly volunteer at their church. She has very little contact with her extended family.
Medical History: There is little recorded regarding Dolores' physical health. An examination upon arrival at Landel's found her to be in remarkable health. Her parents and teachers report that she has an active lifestyle, and prefers to "tough it out" when dealing with minor injuries or illness.
Current Status: Due to the patient's avoidance of staff members and her recorded tendencies towards dishonesty, it is difficult to assess her progress. During therapy sessions, she was found to be unable to correctly answer simple questions about her life, and despite her seemingly normal and even pleasant demeanor, her emotional state is still noticeably unstable. However, she appears to have made some progress: since Dr. Yumeno was assigned to conduct her therapy sessions, she has become less hostile and more willing to communicate with staff.
Life History: It is uncertain how long Dolores has suffered from delusions, as the patient herself is secretive about the subject, to the point of dishonesty and denial. What is known is that she's created the alternate identity 'Anise', which she uses among friends and acquaintances.
Dolores seems very much to be a girl torn between the world of children and the world of adults. On the one hand, she has some very childish tendencies, such as carrying a stuffed doll at all times, pouting and whining when dissatisfied, and playing "make-believe," which is where the identity 'Anise' may have originated from. On the other hand, she can act very much like an adult at times. She's well-informed about the harsh realities of life, very involved in her family's financial issues, and has even been working a part-time job to help her parents. She has a strong sense of responsibility, and feels she needs to take care of those close to her. It is probable that this self-imposed burden is a significant contributing factor to her unstable mental state.
Because of their poor financial status, Carmela and Grover Haze have been borrowing money from a loan agency, through the company representative Mr. Montgomery. His presence in the family seems to be upsetting to Dolores, who has on many occasions accused him of blackmail and other unscrupulous practices, sometimes even taking these accusations to his office and disrupting his work. Her claims have led to an official investigation of Montgomery's practices, which found them to be perfectly legit. Montgomery has threatened to take legal action if her harassment continues.
At school, Dolores has been described by teachers as a model student in the classroom, but a terror on the playground. Though she is well-behaved in most situations, she is quick to lose her temper and resort to violence.
Regarding her relationship with Charles Lansky, it seems that while Dolores remembers being extremely close to him, she does not remember that the two have been dating for some time. Her parents reported that at some point, she began having vivid nightmares about the boy dying, which seems to be approximately the same time she began to suffer from memory loss. At some times, she woke up convinced that she had murdered Charles.
It wasn't until Montgomery's legal threats were made and Dolores' delusions made her completely miserable that her parents decided to get her a psychiatric evaluation. Though they had noticed many signs before, they confessed that they simply could not believe that anything was wrong with their daughter. They were only willing to opt for an evaluation once they realized Dolores' well-being and happiness depended on it.
Working Diagnoses: Delusional disorder, dissociative amnesia
Landel's Treatment Record:
Day 1: Dolores knocked down a mirror in the bathroom, which broke. The broken glass and subsequent fall caused severe damage to her shoulder and collarbone, which was broken in the accident. She was immediately treated and spent the following days in stitches and a sling. The patient has since made a full recovery.
Day 6: Dolores tripped and fell on a chair, bruising a rib and hitting her head. The damage was minor and the recovery was quick.
Day 7: Dolores suffered a mental breakdown. She was found crying, shaking, and unresponsive at the end of the second shift in the day. A medical examination found nothing physically wrong with her, and she recovered after a few hours of bedrest. Witnesses reported that she seemed to be getting along well with the boy she was speaking to (Stephen Lansky, another patient) and there were no warning signs before the breakdown.
Day 8: Dolores received special counseling. Because of her cooperation and the progress she made that evening, she has been permitted to keep one of her personal possessions with her: a plush doll she calls Tokunaga.
Day 18: Dolores was visited by her boyfriend, Charles Lansky. During the visit, Charles' brother Stephen attacked and strangled him. The situation was quickly resolved, but Dolores was upset by the incident. Later that night, she was found with several scratches and one particularly deep stab wound in her arm, presumably from a ball-point pen. Dolores does not have a history of self-injuring, and for the time being staff members have been advised to monitor her emotional state carefully over the next few days.
Day 20: Though she has not made any more attempts to harm herself, Dolores has been showing signs of depression. She has been oversleeping and undereating, and has become somewhat withdrawn from both patients and staff members.
Day 25: Dolores touched a damaged wire and received an electric shock through her hand. An examination revealed no significant internal damage, and the external electrical burns are expected to heal over the next few days.
Day 26: Dolores tripped and cut her shoulder on the corner of a table. She has been given stitches and is expected to recover soon.
There have been no major incidents or breakthroughs since that time, but the staff at Landel's believe she has made much progress and will continue to do so under their care.