:025 | Action

Jan 07, 2011 13:53

[It's been a couple of days since Ion's under-the-radar kidnapping, and Anise is getting restless. She can't stand being in the house for too long right now, anxious and worried and annoyed that the last time she was taken, Ion had been able to charge right in and rescue her. Now that it's his turn, she can't do a thing. How is that fair?]

[She's ( Read more... )

why malnosso why, my bff tokunaga

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[action] imatreenow January 8 2011, 15:44:51 UTC
[Mithos wouldn't be outside at all if not for the fact that he needed to get a new sword, Yuan having confiscated his after their...encounter. It wasn't an incident he enjoyed dwelling on in the least, being utterly and shamefully defeated like that by Yuan. Just thinking about it fills him with anger.

Suddenly, A GIANT DOLL comes gunning down the road. What in the-- Mithos is barely able to leap to the side in time, and ends up losing his balance with a cry of surprise. Come on, he just got out of the Medical Center a few days ago.]


[action] galddigger January 8 2011, 15:50:51 UTC
[Cries of surprise are way too common of an occurrence today, geez. Anise turns to see who she nearly ran over this time. It's not long before she spots that other kid on the ground.]

H-hey! You okay over there?


[action] imatreenow January 8 2011, 16:03:03 UTC
[Quickly standing up and brushing the snow off. No harm done...except for adding to his already bruised ego. At least the wings are okay; he's a little...wary of those right now. He answers her concerned question with a glare.]

Watch where you're going, human.


[action] galddigger January 8 2011, 16:07:02 UTC
[Oh, lovely. She had to run into someone with an attitude problem, huh? She frowns.]

Boo, I was going to apologize. It was an accident!


[action] imatreenow January 8 2011, 22:45:25 UTC
Do you think I care? [Spoken as if the answer should be very, very obvious: no.]


[action] galddigger January 9 2011, 01:51:43 UTC
Well, you should. I mean, what kinda person runs over other people on purpose, huh?


[action] ...what a jerk imatreenow January 9 2011, 19:06:08 UTC
I don't like you either way, whether it was an accident or not. [He...isn't in the best mood. But when is he ever?]


[action] it's the start of a wonderful friendship galddigger January 10 2011, 04:30:30 UTC
Not like me? You just met me! How can you even - [fkjaksfja AUGH.]

Well, I don't like you either. Jerk. What crawled up your ass, huh...


[action] Mithos has a lot of those :|a imatreenow January 10 2011, 23:32:26 UTC
[He heard that. Even without the angelic senses. His expression hardly changes, though; perhaps he scowls a bit more at her.]

Like I'm concerned with earning the favor of some human. Don't make me laugh.


[action] galddigger January 11 2011, 09:28:12 UTC
Do I sound like I'm joking? [HUFF.] Boo, you're something else, aren't you? Acting all high and might like you own the place, even if I practically sent you flying just now.


[action] imatreenow January 13 2011, 02:56:50 UTC
[Oh no you didn't. Mithos is extremely sore about that battle with Yuan. If one could even call it that...which is exactly the point. He really doesn't appreciate anyone telling him that he's pathetic. Pathetic, useless, weak. It's something he refuses to accept.]

Shut up. You are worth absolutely nothing, so don't fool yourself into believing otherwise.


[action] galddigger January 13 2011, 16:37:23 UTC
[Seriously, who does this guy think he is? He's just a kid!]

[... Just a kid. Huh. Anise has to remind herself that it doesn't pay to underestimate people around here. She bites back another scathing retort with a bit of struggling.]

Right, sure, whatever. Keep telling yourself that, why don'tcha.


[action] imatreenow January 14 2011, 23:30:23 UTC
["Just a kid" at times, at other times everything but. He would definitely object to being patronized though.]

...Why am I even wasting my time with you? [He needs that sword. Because this is totally someone who you want to be in possession of a sword, right?

Curtly, he turns to walk away. This is how conversations usually go with Mithos: short and sweet. But without the sweet.]


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