far_to_nowhere no skip left
biarustiguel no skip left
funsized no skip left
tell_a_tale_4_u no skip left
Voting Rules
• Voting ends Monday, October 26th, then the results and the next round will be posted
• You do not need to participate to vote. Voting is not required but much appreciated, however please note: Peoples Choice & Mod's Choice can only be awarded to contestants that vote
• Please vote based on the quality of the icons (i.e. the icon is oversharpened, the texture bring down the quality of the pic..), not on your personal preference (for example: i don't like coloring, crop etc..)
• The icon gets the most elimination votes will be eliminated and the icon that gets the most favorite votes will be awarded people's choice
• Comments are screened
• Use the form to vote & DO NOT vote for yourself
Voting Form
Replace the #00's with the numbers of the icons you are voting for. Remember to vote in descending order: the first vote would be what you consider the worst, the second is the second worst, etc.
SECOND-WORST (-1 point): #00 - REASON
FAVORITE:FAVORITE (+2 points): #00 - Reason optional
SECOND-FAVORITE (+1 point): #00 - Reason optional
Round Three Entries
01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09
Good Luck Everyone!